chapter 2: runaway buddies

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October 4th 2022

"Elijah?" Amy's voice called out as i fluttered my eyes open. I hopped out of bed and greeted the fuzzy figure. As my eyes focused and adjusted to the light i saw Amy's face, "what? Amy?" i asked, still slightly dazed. "your late for school and i'm late waiting for you!" she responded. "why are you not awake yet!?" "why are you in my house?" i retaliated in a i'm-annoyed-but-in-a-loving-way kind of tone. "i'm going to head out and wait for you" Amy paused "by the way your dad isn't here and the bus is coming in six minutes" she added with a simple shrug. 

 In a magical way we both ended up making it to the bus, despite the fact that we stopped at a convenience store for a very unhealthy breakfast including gummies chips and iced tea. "how the hell did we even make it on the bus?" Amy laughed "i have absolutely no idea" i responded.   We both stopped laughing as we saw the road sign that the bus stopped in front of, "mourncreek rd" it read, me and Amy both knew who would be getting on the bus.

 Low and behold it was Sarah and Luke, in the flesh. we rushed to the back of the bus as fast we could to hopefully avoid them but it was no use. The minute we sat Sarah and Luke sat right in front of us. We tried our best to mid our own business in hopes that they would forget and focus on their slipping grades instead of us. But it was no use. Sarah turned around and got on her knees on her chair, Luke did the same. I sighed, putting my arm around Amy, glaring at Sarah and Luke.

 "you guys look like your scared. Are you scared bun bun?" Sarah pestered. "hello? who did your outfit Amy? like was it your mom or your invisible dad?" said Luke. "piss off" i sighed. "wowwww i'm super scared bun bun" "what is she gonna do? call her mom?" Luke laughed as Sarah high fived him. i handed Amy an earbud as i flipped on our favourite playlist, mine of course. Luke tried to take it out and i slapped his hand away, this happens almost every day we ride to school on the bus, its nothing abnormal. When we got to school i said goodbye to Amy as i headed to my first class,  potion brewery it read.

 Though i was interested in the class i seemed to zone out anyway as the teacher was blabbing on about herbs and their usage in potions. I began to think of the town myth "earth" it always interested me especially the "humans" thought to thrive beyond the forest that lined our small town i never had an interest in anything school would teach me but i loved the thought of another place other than here. In an instant class had ended and i found myself walking up the creaky staircase that lead to the huge library on the second floor.

 The wooden stairs had moss and vines crawling up each step and each inch of the crooked railing. I held my hand out, brushing it on each piece of moss along the wall. After a while of climbing i had made it to the library. It was so large that it took up the entirety of the second floor. Students made their way down and some made their way up. This would be the first time i saw the library and it was quite the sight. The bookshelves were lined with wood and moss, a large carpet lay across the centre of the room.

 I walked over to my right, a teacher was at the desk "sorry ma'am this is my first time at the library, where would i find the fantasy books?" i ask. She pointed at the far left corner, not lifting her gaze from her computer.  Boy was it a long walk from one side of the room to the other. A few blue chairs sat parallel of the large bookshelf, i sat, tired from all the walking i had to do today.

 From where i sat i could see a few books earth and humans one read, i stood, now this was a book i could read! i thought as i picked up the heavy book. i sat back down and began to read "according to the popular legend humans have large metal vehicles called cars instead of brooms, powered by magic, their cars are powered by a chemical substance called oil and one element that we know, metal" it read "they use it to get around, just like we use brooms." my interest was peaked "it is said that beyond the forest that wraps around our world lies earth and the secrets that humans hold" i took a pause, thinking. what if i could prove the myth to be true? i thought. what if i could bring back evidence that humans and earth are real? i thought and thought as more and more ideas popped into my head, i was exited enough to tell Amy this second! i had to!

 I stood up and excused myself to use the washroom. i texted Amy to meet me in the bathroom for and emergency and she came quickly. i told her about the book and how i wanted to prove the existence of the myth "earth". "what would we get out of it?" she asked "your mom would gain billions!" i said. "well how would we go there? your dad will never let you and my mom will never in her life let me!" she protested, i thought for a moment, "we run away" i said slowly looking at her with an "i'm serious" look on my face, she paused and glanced at me as she thought. "When?" she asked....    

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