Chapter 10: Discoveries

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october 14th 2022

Cutlery and plates clash with the muffled talking of other humans in the diner. Amy squints at the menu "milkshake?" she asks herself, putting a finger on the menu but quickly hiding her sharp nails in her pockets again. "that's a m-milkshake, its like milk, and- uh" he seemed to struggle with explaining this drink. "i-its really good, try it" he concluded and Amy chuckled and nodded. An older, tall, tan woman wearing a light pink apron walked up to us, a small notepad in her hand with a pen in the other. "AJ, another vanilla milkshake and fries?" she asked, not even looking up as she wrote quickly on her notepad. "i'll be back with your-" she was about to walk away when AJ quickly said "uhm- do you guys want s-something?" The waitress looked up in surprise, as if AJ never came here with anyone...ever. She locked eyes with me, then looked at Amy and smiled. She leaned over and whispered something in AJ's ear that was clearly something suggestive because he flushed and repetitively said "no". "well what would you two ladies like?" she asked, her voice raspy but quite calming.

 I squint at the menu "i'll have -uh i'll have a cheeseburger and fries with an...iced tea?" it was quite literally the only thing i recognised from back home. Amy then ordered the same thing as be, but with a strawberry milkshake. Just as soon as she came, the waiter had left. "nice one" AJ said, regarding our perfect  acting of knowing whatever the fuck we were saying. Amy sighed, pulling her hands out of her sleeves, and picking under her nails. "i don't get it, why should we hide ourselves?" she asked angrily. "did you not realise what even happened-" i said, cutting myself off as i realised only i  knew about what Marcus's intentions truly were.

 Amy tilted her head in confusion "i'll tell you later" i answer her unspoken question. As we waited for our food and drinks to come i began to think. what did Marcus know about my mother? what could he possibly know that i don't?  i began to think of all that i knew about her disappearance. For years i had been trying to find out where she was, all i knew was why she left..not where she left to.

 I fiddled with my nails under the table, the thought of knowing the reason why she left made me shudder, the note, the tracks, all that happened way back when. But that was in the past, i had to focus on other things now, Amy was too fragile to be out here, too trusting. Too many people wanted to capture us and i had to be strong for Amy and AJ both.

 My thoughts were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. "You okay Elijah?" Amy asked and i nodded, smiling. "alright..! one vanilla milkshake,fries,a strawberry milkshake,iced tea and burger with fries" the woman said as she walked over balancing multiple treys and plates on her arms. Amy looked shocked "what spell did that?" she asked, helping the waitress with one of the plates. AJ looked petrified, making gestures for Amy to back up her question with some human logic. the waitress looked confused for a moment before laughing and saying "well thanks young lady but no spells for me!".

 Amy looked around, confused at why we were looking at her like she just blew us up. The waitress walked off, looking amused. "what?" Amy asked "spells? really?" i retort "oh, yea" she responded and shrugged nonchalantly, taking a bite of her burger.

 "your saying that like you couldn't have just gotten us thrown back in that plastic box!" i mumble "and get m-me fired and maybe w-worse" AJ added and i nodded triumphantly. "sorry!" she said, taking another bite "on another note this burger is really good!" i nodded, taking more bites of my burger. "if you t-think that that's good t-try the fries!" AJ said, taking a fry and putting one on Amy's plate.

 Amy quickly picked it up and put it in her mouth, her eyes growing wider. "OH MY GOD" she said, stuffing her mouth with more fries from her plate. I picked up a fry from my plate and not too soon after was doing the same thing as Amy. "y-your gonna run my bill u-up!" AJ said sheepishly, holding back a small chuckle. "sorry! i've never had this before!" Amy yelled a bit too loud. Other customers leaned over tables and started to look at the commotion at our table. "shh" i whispered, pushing all our heads low as i started to laugh.

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