Chapter 9: Show and tell

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october 13th 2022

The loud ringing of an alarm awoke me, rather then the beautiful sunlight or birds chirping in the forest. I sit up and open my eyes, the view was just AJ, actually sleeping on his desk instead of his mattress, and the two sliding doors that lead to the balcony. To my surprise it was still dark outside, heck the moon was only halfway down! I have never woken up this early and never will. Though i thought this, AJ's alarm clock kept its annoying and obnoxious ringing. After a while i got fed up and climbed down the ladder to the floor of his room and walked over to where he was sleeping (his desk) and quickly turned it off.

 I sighed and climbed back up to my bunk sleepily. Once i was covered in the blankets once again i quickly dozed off again. The next time i was woken up was by the muffled talking of Amy and AJ from outside my blanket barrier. I lifted the blanket and squinted, why were AJ's lights so bright? i had no idea. I groaned and rubbed my head, i had slept funny and probably messed my neck up too. "Oh, your awake!" Amy chirped, "i-i was just going to go to the c-cafeteria and grab you g-guys breakfast" "oh yeah because you have an overnight school thing" i responded, jumping down from the top bunk, my plad grey pants and nirvana T Shirt hanging low and comfortably. 

 "well w-what do you guys want?" he asked "what do you guys have?" i asked back. "a-anything really, the lunch ladies are pretty quick b-bakers and cookers and stuff" "okay..okay uhm..can i please get a croissant with breakfast sausages?" i ask, my voice raspy and low "ooh! Yeah and can i get pancakes with syrup?" Amy chirped too "s-sure i'll be back" with that he opened his door a crack and slipped out, not opening it far enough that anyone could see us. "Lock the door" Amy jumped "why?" "What if someone comes in and sees us!" "Right" i walk over and flip the small yellow lock on his door, a clicking sound following. "Well that was nice" Amy jumped back on her bed and began picking at the wood lining "yeah right?" "I wonder why he let us stay here" "i don't know, i was passed out" she shrugged, relocating her gaze to the top of the bed again.  I stand up and study his small dorm, "dungeons and dragons" posters were scattered on his walls, no vines, no bookshelf's nothing we had back at our school.

 I take a peek out the sliding door,  a wide range of forest lay beyond his school building and he seemed to be at the far left side of the school, so all his view was was the forest. I open the door and poke my head out, taking a breath of fresh air. I hear the door knob rattle and soon after a knock on the door. Amy looked at me worriedly and i exchanged the glance  "y-you guys there?" a low whisper of AJ's voice was behind the door. I sigh, all worked up for nothing. Amy looks through the peephole and unlocks the door. "C-croissant and breakfast sausages f-for you elijah" he hands me a fancy plate with food that smells better than anything I've ever smelled. I snatched the plate "this smells so good!" Amy sniffed my plate. "ey! Away from my plate!" i grumbled, taking a bite. "And f-for Amy pancakes WITH syrup" he emphasized the "with" because she specifically asked for syrup. I chuckled at his words but Amy seemed not to notice.

 Once we had finished eating Amy piped up "so when are we going to get to explore your world?" "Amy you idiot we can't, we even look like witches!" I scolded, taking the last bite of my sausage. "I-i could disguise you guys" AJ suggested, spinning around in his chair "how?" i ask "well i-i don't know what to do about your s-sharp teeth stuff but i could simply just p-put a hoodie on you, just c-cover your faces" "what about our height?" "you j-just look like a really tall highschooler" he shrugged, "i-i have a few big h-hoodies of my parents" he got up and trudged towards his small wooden dresser and pulled out two hoodies.

 One, was dark blue and had lighter blue almost faded words imprinted on the front that read "blue period". The other was a light pink, the cuffs on the wrists showed a deeper pink that stood out on the plain baby pink dyed around the rest of the hoodie. "ooh! i call the pink one!" Amy shrieked, rushing towards the hoodie and snatching it quickly, "pssh i don't like pink you know that i would have WANTED you to wear that Amy" i laughed, taking the blue hoodie from AJ's hand. "o-okay uhm i have a l-light in the closet you can c-change there" "right then" I replied, my hair slightly moving as Amy excitedly ran past me and into the closet and i quickly followed. The sun beat down on my hood as we walked down the stone roads.

 "whats that?" Amy asked, pointing to a large tin vehicle that i only know as "cars" from the books that i read. "that's a T-tesla, but its known as a k-kind of car" he replied and Amy nodded and scanned the area, as if she wanted to find something else to ask about.  "oh! t-this is my favourite d-diner!" AJ exclaimed and pointed to a small diner with a big flashy bold sign that looked like the eighty ages of the human world that i had seen in books. "whats it called?" i asked "t-thats Zach's!" he replied, pointing to a LED light flashy sign that very clearly displayed the name of the diner. "it looks old.." Amy pointed out, i thought that she wouldn't notice because she rarely ever listened to me when i spoke about the human eras. (the diner looks like whimpy's but its not because yk)

i am hungry  i thought, looking down at my stomach,we had been walking for hours, studying the town undercover. "im starving! lets go!" Amy squealed and i chuckled and i began walking towards the diner, exited to see what AJ's interest was myself.  

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