chapter 14: Kidnapped no2

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NOTE: ello! i hope my few viewers are enjoying the book so far and i am too :) just to let you all know there will be only a few more times where someones kidnapped! but also i'm kinda just writing whatever comes to my mind which is why i have no actual plan lol. ENJOYY.

october 15th 2022

I stared at him for a while. How would you put the feeling that i was getting? betrayal? shock? anger? definitely anger. The area where the syringe once was was painful, nothing i couldn't handle but i knew it would leave a scar, along with the other one. I growled under my breath that asshole! i thought and for a second i was starting to respect and even become friends with him!  the car stopped abruptly. For the third time in the trip i accidentally whacked my head on the back of the trunk. "I think she's awake" said one of the voices, she sounded terrified rightfully so  i thought bitterly. No wait, think this through Amy would act smart, i should act smart. I expected them to open the truck and dart me again, so i prepared for impact as the moonlight slowly opened with the trunk.

Instead, the trunk was opened, and all i saw was a blank white room, again. Maybe they're expecting me to walk out and try to attack someone i thought. I shook my head, this was clearly another containment room and i was NOT getting out of the trunk. I heart mumbling outside, i guessed that only the back of the truck was backed into the room, so that if and when i got out they could drive away and shut the door. Footsteps. The humans walked closer but as i turned both directions to look at them i could only see the sliver of opening in the room that allowed air, and moonlight to seep in. My pointed ears picked up on a noise behind me but before i could turn i felt a bolt, a flash of pain and electricity shoot down my back. I hissed and jolted forewards. Another zap stabbed into my back, i whipped around and saw a long rod, with two pointers coming towards me again, without thinking, i tried to grab the rod but was quickly electrocuted again, this propelled me backwards for the last time, i tumbled out of the trunk and into the room.

The door was shut quickly behind me before i could seize the opportunity and escape. That being said i wouldn't even know where to go. I noticed quickly that this lab was on the side of a pretty quite road that winded through thousands of acres of forest. Like the last, this room also had one large window that, yet again, gave me and the scientists a view of eachother. I also noticed that i was already inside this establishment, originally i had thought that the back of my room was facing the road and forest beyond. The truck that i was thrown in parked somewhere on the other side of my room. My new room was equipped with a bed that was secured to the wall, a desk of equipment that was definitely not mine, and a 'cute' little poster saying "do not enter! dangerous!" how lovely

People were also watching me. Amongst those people was Marcus, a successful 'look how vulnerable you are' look on his face. How am i supposed to get out of this? Amy knows i'm gone, se saw it. AJ definitely knows because he HELPED THEM DO IT. I started to walk around the room, searching for anything i could use to break the viewing window. Suddenly, thoughts, images of people with dismantled arms, bleeding wounds and blood running down their head flooded my mind. What is that? where have i seen it? i thought but soon realised its the people, from last time, did--did i end up killing some? i thought with a shutter. I ran my fingers along the bottom of the bed looking for something that i could use to free myself.

I looked around the entire room for anything sharp or detachable. Meanwhile the scientists scribbled away on their clipboards, every now and then looking up and analysing me again. i hated it, i felt like a test subject, something for the humans to laugh at or study! Marcus seemed to find my behaviour amusing, tilting his head as if to say "there's nothing you can do".

Despite my situation, my eyelids soon grew heavy. though that could have also been because at some point while looking at Marcus i may or may not have tried to break the glass myself to bust his face and wipe his smirk off. That obviously amused his more, and gave the scientists more to write down about my species. I tried pretending to sleep, that betrayed me quickly because i soon found myself shutting off my brain, and getting the first sleep i've gotten in days.

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