Many Small Scenarios in 1 Chapter

348 15 12

Who's Taller:

Winnie's taller than you. I'm sorry but she's taller.

Where She Likes To Kiss You:

Honey, Winnie likes to kiss you anywhere and everywhere. Her favorite places are your jaw, neck, lips and forehead.

When You Hug Her From Behind:

Aww. Winnie's reaction to this is the cutest. She'd stop what she's doing and blush instantly before she turns around to hug you back.

When You Have A Nightmare:

Oh dear, Winnie will watch you toss and turn in your sleep. She'll wake you up and pull you into your arms to comfort you. She doesn't know what you dreamt about but she'll destroy whatever triggered it.

You Wipe Her Kiss Off As A Prank:

Good luck trying to pull that shit. The moment you wipe the kiss off, Winnie will stare into your fucking soul and kiss you again. She'll make sure to keep your hands down so you don't wipe her kiss off again.

Top, Bottom Or Switch:

Jesus Christ, I had to come to this one. Let's just get this over with. Winnie's the top.

She Runs Into Your Ex:

-"My sweet thing, isn't that the woman/man/person who broke your heart?"

-"Yeah but it doesn't matter no- WINNIE, COME BACK HERE!"

Woah now, this is where it gets dangerous. Winnie will immediately run across whatever public place you're at to slap your ex and scream at her/him/them about how horribly she/he/they treated you. She would make a big scene of it because she is THE Winifred Sanderson after all. If anyone dared to complain, let's just say they'll go back home to see their family being eaten alive by cannibals.

Winnie will brag about how much better she treats you. She can and will get into the juicy details because she knows no one will be able to stop her. Unfortunately for her, you have to stop her and remind her that there's children in the area so she can't talk about that shit. Poor Sarah and Mary prepare to cover their ears when Winnie starts getting into detail but they are thankful when you stop her from going too far.

-"And I am much better in bed than you'll ever-"

-"Winnie, don't talk like that! Think of the children!"



She Sees You In Your Underwear:

Winnie will blush instantly and begin to stutter. She'll apologize for disturbing you and walk out of the room with her hand over her eyes. If she's in the mood, she'll stay to enjoy the view and maybe she might see more if you want her to. 😏

An Average Day For You Two:

-Pranking everyone in Salem with your magic.

-Cuddling, with some kisses and nuzzles.

-You and Winifred dealing with Sarah and Mary's bullshit.

-Casting curses on people who pissed you off one too many times.

-Having to stop Sarah (who's over 300 years old) from trying to date teenage boys because we all know it was legal back then for older people to date teenagers but it ain't legal now.

-"Sarah, you're gonna go to jail!"

-"But Y/N, he's so dreamy!"

-"Sarah, just listen to Y/N for fuck's sake!"

-"Yes, Winnie."

-Winifred having to stop Mary from eating everything in the fucking fridge while you're out shopping for food with Sarah.

-"Mary, do not eat everything in that fridge thingymabob like a fucking swine!"

-"Would you rather I eat a nursery full of babies, Winnie?"

-"If you do that, Y/N is going to end things with me and I do not want that! Just restrain yourself before I do something drastic!"

-"Yes, Winnie."

-Don't worry, you bring back extra food for Mary because she needs it.

-"How come Mary gets so much food, Y/N/N?"

-"Winifred, you don't eat."

-"I enjoy eating sometimes!"

-"I brought extra food for all of us, so hush."

-You and Winifred being interrupted by Sarah and Mary when you want to do the deed, which is very rare. Unfortunately, being interrupted happens every time which is why you two don't even try to do the deed most of the time. One time, the younger Sanderson Sisters walked in while you two were deep in the act. You two never spoke of it again.

-"What the hell?!"


-"Sarah, why are you scre- OH MY GOD!"


-It kills the mood for a bit but when Sarah leaves with Mary, you and Winnie do the deed.

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