Your Wedding Day Headcanons

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How The Ceremony Went Down:

Winifred waited for you patiently at the altar with her best man and woman, Max and Mary. She wore a long, free flowing green dress and her hair was curled, which made it reach her shoulders. She looked very beautiful.

Jefry Traske was the priest at this event, mainly out of spite due to what his ancestor put Winifred through in 1653. She chuckled while he rolled his eyes. Everyone in Salem was at this wedding because it involved the town's oldest witches and they still feared them.

Suddenly everyone turned around to face the back. You had finally arrived. Little girls scattered flower petals as they skipped down the aisle. Sarah, Alison and Dani walked in front of you. Sarah was the maid of honor.

You walked down the aisle in your wedding dress and blushed. You saw how shocked Winifred was to see you looking so beautiful but she smiled widely. You smiled back at her and got to the altar. You two held hands and kept them together.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of Satan, and in the presence of
family and friends, as well as former enemies, to join together this woman and this woman in unholy matrimony. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

Did I forget to mention that Satan, the Witch Mother and the entirety of her coven were present? Yes. Do I care? Nah.

Anyway, Jefry Traske began to give a sermon that bored everyone, but the crowd pretended to listen. You were certain that both Satan and the Witch Mother wanted to kill the mayor for the religious stuff he said. You and Winifred were too busy smiling at each other to pay attention. When Jefry was done preaching and all that bullshit, the vows came up.

"I, Winifred Sanderson, take thee, Y/N L/N, to be my wedded wife to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

Winifred spoke and she held your hands gently. She saw how the Witch Mother, her biological mother and her sisters smiled with pride. She wanted this for so long.

"I, Y/N M/N L/N, take thee, Winifred Sanderson, to be my wedded wife, to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

You almost cried when you said your vows because the gravity of the situation was great. You were going to be married to the one you truly loved.

"Bring forth the rings."

Jefry said as two little boys came up to him. The two boys, Troy and Jason, who were the twin boys of Max and Alison, gave him the ring boxes before they went back to their seats.

Winifred took your ring out of the box and smiled. Her hand trembled slightly but she got over it. This was where everything started to fall into place.

"Winifred Sanderson, repeat what I am about to say while you place the ring on Y/N's finger. This ring is my sacred gift to you, a symbol of my love, a sign that from this day forward and always, my love will surround you, with this ring I thee wed."

Jefry said and held his hands together. He knew Winifred hated his ass but he wanted to see her get married. He wished his ancestor was there to see it.

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