You See Winifred Sanderson Cry

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Grab your tissues, everybody! This one shot is gonna be sad! I'm already crying!

It was a quiet day at the Sanderson's cottage and Winifred had just made another batch of a very powerful healing potion. She went to your shared bedroom and sat on the bed. She then softly chuckled to herself.

"Oh Y/N. I miss her terribly. I ask myself how I am so lucky to have her as mine and to know that I am hers. She is the true light of my life..."

Winifred began to trail off and she clenched her fists. She put her hands on her lap and took a deep breath. Something troubled her very much.

Meanwhile, you had just come home from a successful murder of a group of witch hunters. You were about to enter the room but then you saw Winifred looking defeated. You noticed that she was a bit down for the past few days and you wanted to know why.

You didn't want to make Winnie close herself up, so you remained quiet and out of sight. You held your breath and tried to concentrate. You needed to know what was wrong.

"I still ask myself why she has not left me yet. I am an evil witch and yet she still loves me. I am feared, but she does not fear me. I am hated, but she does not hate me. I am terrified of what is to come. I fear that one day, she will finally get bored and leave me..."

You were not prepared for what you saw next. You saw the great and powerful Winifred Sanderson, the most feared witch in Salem, hold her head in her hands and cry. Your heart broke when you heard her muffled sobs.

After a while, you couldn't take it anymore. You ran in and hugged Winifred as tightly as you could. You felt her wrap her arms around you and hug back.

"Winnie, I'm not going anywhere..."

You tried to reassure Winifred, but she glared at you in distrust. You didn't want to provoke her now. The last thing you two needed was to have a big fight.

"Y/N, everyone leaves me in the end! That's how it always went!"

Winifred said to you in a harsh tone which she immediately regretted. She was abandoned by the people she loved when she needed them most and she was only left with her sisters. It was natural for her to be suspicious.

"So what if everyone leaves you? I'm not leaving! If you're staying, I'm staying. I'll always be by your side."

You held Winifred's hand comfortingly and tightly. You were not gonna leave her and you wanted her to remember that.

"I- Thank you, Y/N. Please do not tell anyone that I was crying."

Winifred hugged you tighter and smiled weakly. She felt assured that she was not going to be abandoned for once in her life. She knew you were hers.

"Do not worry. I will not say a word."

You assured Winnie and kissed her forehead. You laid there in her arms and smiled. The feeling of her running her hand through your hair almost made you fall asleep.

"I love you, Y/N L/N."

"I love you too, Winifred Sanderson."

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