I Put A Spell On You (One Shot)

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This one shot is just something I did for fun. This is another way you could've met Winifred. Enjoy! The song cover above is mine!

The town of Salem was full of joy and life for once. Apparently there was to be a Halloween dance, an occasion that Winifred, Sarah and Mary did not give two shits about but they were forced to go by the townsfolk. Winifred managed to conjure up some new dresses for her and Mary to honor this occasion. Sarah had insisted on conjuring up her own outfit.

When Winifred, Sarah and Mary were done getting ready, they took one look at themselves in the mirror and squealed in delight. They actually looked beautiful for once. That was already a miracle in itself.

(These are the dresses and I've indicated who they belong to

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(These are the dresses and I've indicated who they belong to. I know it's ahead of their time but fuck historical accuracy.)

Winifred was not pleased with Sarah's outfit. She tried not to show her disgust outright but it was difficult. She was surprisingly overprotective of her little sister.

"Sarah, what the hell art thou wearing?!"

"Times have changed, Winifred. I have decided to go along with the fashion of this era."

"The dress shows too much skin, Sarah! I do not want men to surround my little sister because of it!"

Mary helplessly watched the argument about Sarah's dress. Good Lord, she was always caught in the middle of everything. She decided to end this once and for all.

"Winifred, I am going to stay with Sarah the whole night. I shalt not allow anyone to touch her. I swear on it."

Mary's words were enough to calm Winifred down. She smiled at the peace and quiet. She really was good at solving problems in the family.

The Sanderson Sisters went to the dance and the crowd was mesmerized by their outfits. Men tried to talk to Sarah but Mary punched them out of the way, which made Winifred smile. She walked over to the snack table and ate a chocolate bar. It turns out she had a sweet tooth. Yay.

"I must learn how to make these. Maybe my spell book might show me."

Winifred muttered to herself and turned around. She saw you walk on the stage and she paid close attention. She loved the beautiful black dress you wore. She glared at the mayor, who was next to you on stage.

"And here's our final act for tonight, please welcome Y/N L/N!"

Winifred saw the people around her cheer for you and decided to stay for the show. She saw you walk up to the microphone and smirked. This could be most entertaining, she thought.

(Play the audio! Yes, this is in fact my voice!)

Winifred could not get over the sound of your voice. She was awestruck by it and was slightly upset when the performance ended. She saw you walk over to the snack table and followed you.

You saw Winifred approach you and truth be told, you were kind of terrified. You overcame your fear and smiled at her. If she came all this way to find you, it must be important.

"That performance of yours was marvelous, darling."

What the hell was wrong with Winifred Sanderson tonight? A lot of things. No seriously, there was a lot of things wrong with her tonight.

Did Winifred just tell a random woman her performance was good? Yes. Did she drink one glass of red wine? Yes. Did she have a low alcohol tolerance? Yes.

Did Winnie care about all that? Hell. No.

You couldn't believe your ears. Winifred Sanderson herself told you that you were good at what you did. You tried not to squeal like a school girl.

"Thank you so much..."

"Winifred. Winifred Sanderson. Yes, I'm that Winifred Sanderson."

"I figured. Pleasure to meet you, Winnie."

Winifred found herself talking and laughing with you the whole night. She thought you were better company than her sisters. Speaking of her sisters, she saw Mary get into a fist fight with men for trying to go near Sarah and by the looks of it, Sarah joined in.

Winifred watched the scene for a few more moments and shrugged. They will manage, she thought. She was too busy laughing and eating candy with you to care but then again, she was kinda drunk because of the wine.

When the party ended, Winifred was not ready to leave you. She saw you smile at her and her face turned red. The alcohol wore off and that made it all the more adorable.

"Winnie, I liked hanging out with you. We should do it again some time."

"Of course. We could go for a walk and get some more of that candy. I will be available next Saturday."

"Alright. Can't wait."

You said as you hugged her and walked away. You allowed your black dress to trail behind you. You had one hell of a night.

"And neither can I..."

Winifred whispered as she ran off to find Sarah and Mary before they did something really dumb. She managed to find them and drag them out by their arms. She just wanted to go home and sleep off the effects of the alcohol.

Sarah and Mary had many questions about Winifred's interaction with you, but she refused to answer them. Winnie was not gonna tell her nosy sisters about this part of her life. She'd make sure of it.

However, Winifred knew that she would definitely see you again. Maybe this could turn into something more. Who knows?


Here's the dress that Y/N wore to the Halloween dance.

Here's the dress that Y/N wore to the Halloween dance

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