🎃 The Sandersons Halloween Special 🎃

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Here's an early Halloween special for you guys! The triplets will be included in it.

"Mother, I'm too old to go trick or treating with my sisters! I have to meet up with my friends at a Halloween party and I can't take them with me!"

17 year old Jezebel told Winifred in annoyance and crossed her arms. She was dressed up in a sexy Dracula costume that showed way too much skin. She got a death glare from her mother and returned it without hesitation. She was every inch like her mother in terms of her attitude, which was the reason her and Winnie fought a lot.

"I do not care. You are going with your sisters and that is final!"

"But Mother-"

"Jezebel Bette Sanderson, art thou talking back?"


"Good. Now go!"

"God fucking damn it!"

"Language, Jezebel!"

Sarah and Mary said at the same time. They still didn't know how Jezebel learned how to curse. They assumed that she picked it up at school, which was true.

Jezebel groaned as she waited for Olivia and Stella. She rolled her eyes and looked at the clock. After a while, she finally had enough.

"Olivia Anne Sanderson and Stella Evanora Sanderson, come here this instant! We're gonna be late!"

Olivia and Stella finally came out of their rooms, which made Jezebel smile. Olivia was dressed up as a sexy nurse and Stella was dressed up as a sexy queen. Both outfits showed way too much skin just like Jezebel's did.

Jez remembered how pissed off Winifred was about the outfits but you always let them off the hook. She gave Liv and Lala two giant chocolate bars and placed them in their buckets. She put one in her own bucket and left with them.

You smiled as your daughters walked out the door. You held Winifred's hand gently and smiled at her. Things changed a lot, but you all still lived in the same cottage. Winifred just made it bigger.

"They grow up so fast."

You said and shed a tear. You weren't ready to let your daughters go. You felt that it was too soon.

"I know, Y/N. I know."

Winifred said comfortingly and smiled. She knew exactly how you felt and she felt the same way about not letting your daughters go. She knew that they would be okay, though.

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