Your Parenting Scenarios (Part 1)

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Winnie gets you pregnant because she's got a spell book that has a spell for anything. You two don't have to adopt for shit. You guys cast a spell and then you have a baby that shares both your genes. Let's get into the story!

She Finds Out You're Pregnant:

-"Winnie, I'm pregnant."

-Winifred drops whatever potion vial she has in her hand. Thank God it's not lethal to her.

"I'm sorry. Could you please repeat yourself, Y/N?"

-"Winifred Sanderson, I am pregnant."

-"The spell actually worked?! That is wonderful news!"

-Winnie is shocked but she is also very ecstatic. She hoped and prayed to Satan that spell would actually work. This just showed how powerful she really is.

She Tells Her Sisters You're Pregnant:

-"That's impossible! You're two women. How could Y/N possibly be pregnant?"

-Mary is visibly shocked at the news and Winnie explains to her how the pregnancy happened. She's still shocked because she didn't know her sister's spell book had a spell like that at all.

-"How, Winifred? How?!"

-"Magic, Mary. That's how."

-"The book has a spell for that?!"

-"Indeed it does!"

-Sarah is so happy for Winifred. She jumps for joy and does a little happy dance because she's gonna be an aunt.

-"I'm so happy for you, Winnie!"

-"At least you didn't question it like Mary did."

-"What did Mary say?"

-"Nothing, Sarah."

You Feel The First Kicks:

"Oh my God! Winnie, the baby's kicking!"

Winnie ran to you the moment she heard those words and placed her hand on your stomach for a while. She felt nothing, but she kissed your stomach and then the baby kicked her in the mouth.

"Listen here you little devilspawn-"

You Plan A Baby Shower/Reveal Party:

You and Winnie decided to go big or go home with both the baby shower and the reveal party. You two combined the events into one giant party and invited everyone in the town. Since Winifred and her sisters are considered the elders of the town due to how long they've lived, people either respect them or fear them. The townspeople bring a lot of gifts and clothes for the occasion to congratulate you.

"The balloons are here! One balloon has the gender and the other balloon has the information on how many you're having!"

Mary said in delight and made the balloons float with magic. She handed you the pin and you popped them both. She watched Sarah hold the strips of paper.

"It says here that you're expecting triplet girls! Yay!"

Sarah read out loud with a smile. The crowd was dead silent for a couple of minutes. Suddenly, everyone cheered at the news.

Winifred beamed with joy and kissed your forehead. She figured that you'd have triplet girls. I mean, her and her sisters are triplets.

"Triplet girls. That means there are going to be more witches in the family. Marvelous!"

"Winnie, we are not teaching them black magic."

"Y/N, you and I both know they must learn it."

"Fair enough, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"I cannot believe our little family will be complete in a matter of months."

"Winnie, can't you speed up the pregnancy or something?"

"My dear, you should take the time to enjoy the little moments. Besides, I don't plan on having kids again after this so make the most of your first and hopefully only pregnancy."

"Winnie, I feel like you'd knock me up at least twice before saying that's enough."

"You're right, Y/N."


I already have a name for yours and Winnie's eldest daughter. Her name is gonna be Jezebel Bette Sanderson.

(See what I did there with the Bette part? I fucking love Bette Midler.)

Anyway, I need your help. I need names for the middle daughter and the youngest daughter. Feel free to comment your ideas for the first and middle names of the other two girls. I'll give you guys a lot of credit and two prizes.

Two lucky readers can stand a chance to win a free request. You can request any scenario for Winifred and Y/N. You'll also get a shout-out if I pick your name ideas.

With that in mind, I'd like you all to keep those name ideas coming. Please specify which daughter (middle or youngest) I must give the names to. I will not update this book until after I get the name ideas.

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