5. Stand for me

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It feel like hell in here, the whole day with silence and no one around me. Yeah Don't even ask me about the lazy kitty, I'm not considering her as our family member, when most of the time this so called my 'uncle's hoe' won't be around when he's not here.

She only loves to be with him and to rub her curves around his fibula. Damn this is insane of me to envy my uncle just because of a cat. But at the end she only loves him and come home only if she get to know that my uncle is back.

By now the university would have ended the classes. Should I call her!? Or wait for her to come!?. Will this brat keep her words? I highly doubt that, it's almost 5 in the evening but no sign of her being around, it's honestly disappointing, how badly I want her company!.

With no time I hear the calling bell of my house ringing, it must be her. I stood up feeling excited to have her inside, but restrained myself from showing the true feelings to her, that would be a big fault if I let her know how excited I am once she's around. Let these weird feelings die with myself, I don't want to disclose it cause I don't know what exactly it is.

"Woah you're early!" By Exaggerating and clapping my hands I let her in, and also to let her know that she's not on time. "Ah zico I'm really sorry it took time because of your friend Hyenun, he has been indifferent to me and literally ghosted me. All I did is just to ask for his notes. What the hell is wrong with him!?"

She stated something new to my knowledge. Why is he being a jerk towards her!?. "What did he do yn!? Was he rude to you?" I sat down on the couch and placed the notes on the coffee table.
"Yeah kinda" she averted her gaze from me and I could say that she's feeling uncomfortable with this topic. Something is odd.

"Well are you straight From the university!? Or you're here after being in your house!?" I asked noticing that she's still in her college outfit."I just came straight from the uni. But why are you concerned dumbo!? As if you really do care!" She remarked but gave me the answer which I wanted.

"For you Kind information. I do care about my friends and yes that means I care for you" I stood up to bring some refreshments since she's looking drained out. "And who the hell says that you're my friend!? Aren't we both have wrath for each other!?" This dumb dumpling let out but having a smirk on her face. Cute.

I came back into the living room with two cartoons of flavoured shakes, one is chocolate and the other one is strawberry. I know that she must be hungry so I just bought two pieces of vanilla flavoured donuts and placed them on the table by removing the already placed notes from it.

"Here have some and survive for me " I started to annoy her, but annoying her would oddly please my ego. It is fun to test her patience and to trigger her ego.
"Yeah , but before that let me wash my hands and face" she stood up but stopped abruptly and to look at me in the eyes. What the- why is she all red!? Is she going to try something with me!? Well I'd be glad if she wants something. I'm always down for it. But she's not smirking or in the state of teasing but in full flustered state. " Uhm--ah zic. Where should I head to? Your room or your uncle's..?"

She's stuttering. Damnit! I want to ruin that little stuttering mouth. Wait what! What am I even thinking!? She's my damn friend for god sake. I can't Fantasize her like that. It's not right. Am I attracted to her? No way. She's my friend and we both bicker with each other like a 5 Y/O . I feel like it's forbidden. When it's actually not.

"Yeah you can use my uncle's... Since it's nearer and it'd be clean af" I said and embarrassing myself. "So it means yours is full of dirt" she giggled in a cute manner and walked off with letting me to defend myself.



It's exactly 6 'o' clock and the front door opening of the parlour draws my and yn attention. It's my uncle, "hey" he greeted and fondly smiled at her. "Oh uncle I'm here" I waved just to make him realise the fact that he ghosted me. I'm offended, not really.

"Boy I know you'd be here at this hour but I'm not aware of yn being here so I greeted her , is there anything wrong in greeting your friends or our guests!?" He States the facts. I just zipped my mouth, I honestly can't win him cause he's always logical and I can't even play with him . Ah this man is no fun.

"Yn you stay here I've to complete this work and also have to call someone" I elbow my way towards my room which is upstairs. By locking myself inside the room, the first thing I searched for, is my phone. I scrolled through the contacts to have that particular number, by licking the contact number which I've be searching for I waited for the other person to pick up.

"Hello" his deep voice echoes through the phone. "Hey what's up with you, why did you act rude to her? Are you out of your mind?" I didn't let him talk further by shooting him with my questions. "Even though I have informed you prior about the notes, you had this audacity to be mean towards her" I didn't stop until I feel satisfied, her pouty face reminds me of the hurt that it must caused to her fragile heart.

"Man calm your ass! I was like that because... It's fun to tease the blushy girl she's. As you say it's really fun bro." He dares to speak filthy. Even though it's not filthy exactly, he has no right to make fun of her. Now this makes me go berserk on him. I'm not leaving him alone. "I dare you to say something about her, and Watch me beating you until you turn purple" I gritted my teeth out of anger.

"Zic! Calm down seriously. I was just kidding around. Jeez!" He acts indifferent
And trying to play it cool whereas I'm at the urge to beat him up for real. Not even kidding. "Hyenun this is your first and last warning. I'm not hesitant to break our friendship as well as your bones. Get that!?"

"Oh god! Zic get yourself together.. don't be in falsehood. She's not into you" did I ask for his opinion or for his advice!? For f*ck sake! Will he stop? Before I break his bones into pieces. "I know the f*ck is happening around me and her so you can shut your filthy little mouth" I warned him in a polite tone but full on anger in it. Anger takes the upper hand on me.

"I'll call you once you're back to normal. Have a good night Mr. Wrath" he hung up without letting me to say more. I can see him going nuts day by day. I'm not going to copy his work. It affects my pride. I'll just hand it over to him in the morning.



I heard some yellings from upstairs. It must be zico! But at whom he's yelling!? Is it yn? No way they're close enough to understand the situation and fix it rather than yelling at each other.

I stepped out of room to check on them, but I only saw yn sitting on the couch, keeping her legs crossed. " Is everything alright?" I asked but met with a worried expression of her face. " No I guess. Zic is being so loud since he left for his room"

Now I get to know how her worried state looks like. " But now he's being quiet. Let's just leave him on his own, I'll check with it later" I rested my body on the opposite couch of hers. She just nodded and looked away by discreetly pulling her skirt down in order to not grab my attention and to cover her skin. She's well mannered.

"Mr. Jeon I want you to do a favour for me" she lets out making me curious about what it is.

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