16. You and I

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We Reached the living room and settled ourselves on the couch. Comfortably.
"How was your day?" I initiated to make him feel less obliged to start up this.
"Yeah.. that went just like the other days of this new year.. especially in the uni" he jerks is head backward to make the hoodie fall off and crack his neck turning left to right in a quick moment.

"Hmm, alright do you and Yn have any classes together these days ?" I rest my hands on my thighs while discerning his reaction. He coughs as soon as he senses her name. "Yeah just three classes a week" he seems nervous. "Uncle I need to tell you something, I'm not going to beat around the bush but just letting you know the truth"

He moves closer to my side with his hands joined together. My hand instinctively hovers his, to give him the assurance and warmth that he needs.
"Go on zic.. I'm all ears" I let him know.

"First of all.. I like Yn and second of all Hyenun likes me" he lets out in one go and clutch his head with both of his hands. "More importantly Yn doesn't like me back... that's what I learnt from her behaviour and about hyenun.. it's a surprise for me" he chuckles shaking his head. "I'm so confused uncle, it hurts" he now looks at me, probably asking for some piece of advice or a solution.

"Talking about Yn, I guess you should share your feelings with her.. I mean let her know about your feelings through words first and then through action, also Hyenun thing is a surprise to me as well" I chuckled finding it hard to resist my smirk that's gradually growing on my face. I could feel the piercing on my lips is tightening with the friction between the skin and the ring.

"Also.. I already knew from the way you look at her, the way you treat her.. I knew something was cooking, just like I thought, here you're sitting and venting to me " I mock him trying to make the atmosphere less stressed.

"But uncle you don't know how hard I tried to get her attention, to make her understand the way I feel towards her...but she's so dumb to even take my hints..how am I going to get her!?" He sighs feeling stressed already.

"You know what? I even dyed my hair for her but in return all I got was 'that doesn't suit you zico'...." He just imitated her in the most accurate way "I guess she just sees me as one of her friends or to make it more special... I could say she just sees me as her best friend " I could perceive that he is hurt by the way he talks and with the words he uses. After all I raised him.

"Zico..you definitely should talk it out with her.. that's the only way you can get a solution for this..the only way to sort it out" I moved a bit forth to his side and encircled my right arm around his shoulder to knead his shoulder joint.

"I'm scared uncle, I'm scared of ruining my friendship with her...and now that I'm aware of hyenun's feelings it's even more complicated. I highly doubt my sexuality now!" He plays with his ring on his finger and looks me into the eyes.

"Zico be clear, what do you even mean by 'I Highly doubt my sexuality ' huh?" I asked with my eyebrows frowned. Now that I am highly doubting his sentence.
He shook his head before answering
"I don't know uncle... I always flirt with hyenun, I tease him just like how I do with Yn...but unlike Yn, Hyenun seems to be more affected by my deeds..for instance he'll go all red if I ever try to do something intimate..some-thing lik-e talking near his ear, act like kissing him"

He spills something very new to me and puts me in pure confusion. It's flabbergasting. No matter what I'm not going to judge him. I should never judge my boy nor anyone for their sexual preference. "You do this with hyenun with the same sense and feeling that you do with yn?" I ask to get a clear picture for myself first.

"Yes. But I've never seen Hyenun in a romantic way... I have only romanticized yn also.. there's another... but here... I've once kiss-ed hye-nun" he hiccups seeming nervous for the first time since the talk. "Wha-t" I try to conceal my astonishment in order to make this thing Normal, to normalise these stuffs, I don't want to lay it on thick and make him feel uncomfortable, to sound like old school.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 03 ⏰

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