12. With you.

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9:40 PM

We stand there in the same posture for a few minutes before I break the hug. Her eyes are still wet with the tears... her sclera is covered with red veins, her face is miserable from crying. I have no idea what the little heart of hers is going through, Whatever it might be but her physical health and mental health is more important. Should I approach her parents for this!? Will it be too much? Or am I overreacting...!? I honestly don't know.

"Can we talk now!?..... Hmm?" I slowly try to bring her back to normal and on track.

I gently hold her hands and caress the dorsal side of her palm with my thumb.
Because of my action her eye directs to our collided hands. I didn't feel the need to remove my hand from hers. All I want to make sure is that she's alright. "Sweetheart, listen.. I don't know what you are going through but you can always tell me if something is wrong, if something is disturbing you... just share your hard time with me." I smile at her angelic face.. she feels so pure at this moment.

She subtly nods her head before saying "jung- uh I'm sorry!" She slightly bows her head for the cute mistake in addressing me. She's now dodging my eye contact for no reason.
"look at me and speak up sweetheart"
I kind of command her, but to contrast my words her mouth is still pursed.
"Yn-.." she stopped me by speaking up, finally!

"Mr. Jeon first of all I'm sorry for making the atmosphere dry with my cries, I couldn't control it and I'd be happy to share stuff with you Mr. Jeon" she takes a deep breath and then continues "I tend to overthink and now that makes me go insane for no reason, it literally gives me anxiety and improper sleep... I remember the day I told my mom about this but she didn't consider my sufferings and just brushed it" she takes a break again, I reassure her by caressing her hand constantly and to make her feel at ease.

"Day by day it started to get worse and led me to have several panic attacks. I can't feel my surroundings once my pulse rate goes up, the heavy beatings of my heart and the abdominal pain tortures me" with that she chuckles and starts to search for something. " can I get some water? Mr .Jeon!?" She asked in a low tone, probably tired from explaining her sorrow.

I didn't expect this from her, like she's all goofy and happy around her friends and also me but I've never thought of a girl like her hiding so much of personal issues within herself and not letting it out. No one can say that she's going through something like this because of her calm and joyful appearance. How can a happy face hide the maximum level of sorrow!? "hold on for a minute I'll bring some water" I stood up from the place and made my action as quick as possible to fetch her some water. Only now I realise that my shirt is still wet with her tears and the white see through silk shirt is adhered with my chest and I don't feel like changing it soon. I clasped the edge of my buttoned collar with my index and thumb finger to fix my shirt.

"here sweetheart. Have some water" she grip holds the glass and then drinks it in one go. " thank you Mr. Jeon" she never fails to be grateful and down to earth which I admire the most. "uhmm if you don't mind can I ask you something!?"
I look for her reaction and I guess she's okay with having a conversation with me.
"Sure Mr. Jeon go on" now she's kind of back to normal to have a deep conversation. Anyways I'm not going to ask her too much of personal questions but some, cause I need to know.

"I can understand you sweetheart, putting all the things which you have said together, I could say that you're depressed and you obviously feel lonely. Isn't it?" I asked as she nodes her head.
"And as far as I understood... you're not that close to your parents!?" Again she nodes her head subtly. "May I also know about your uni friends or any other friends apart from the university!?" I try to gain some knowledge about her. I don't know why but I feel the urge to get to know her more.

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