7. Chit chat

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"Well this is for you... Have a look at it" I showed her the object which I carried out from my office. Since I wanted to give this to her.. ever since we discussed about the art stuffs.

Now she's taking a look at the object which is in my hand. Surprisingly this girl didn't question me about the sudden gift, well it's not a proper gift but takes it in her hold and scrutinize the glass painting. It's a cute scenery with purple trees and different shades of blue sky along with some cute butterflies splattered on the sky. "This is my first ever art work which got a medal in my High school days" I chuckled and sat beside her on the couch. I still see her giving no response which makes me worry.

"Do you perhaps not like this uhm.. 'gift kinda' gift" I formed a sentence cowardly in order to make her believe this is a gift from my heart.

"No way! Mr. Jeon... You're just giving me your treasure. Don't you!?" She introgates me. I smile at her adorable face and ruffle her hair to make her believe that I'm not kidding. "Oh c'mon YN, I can see how persuing you're when it comes to art. So yeah that's for you... For real sweetheart. Have it." I pushed the object towards her to say it in a symbolic way. This girl should understand how my heart is at 'aww' state just because I found someone who's same as I'm.. when it is arts. Of course art is my world. I sacrificed everything for my passion, my first love..my family and family times together. Living without passion is like being dead.

"If you say so! But anyways I'm so grateful for your gift. You believe me or not I'm going to cherish this until my last breath" she expresses her delight, making my heart to melt. "Oh so you're very sure about keeping it until you're grey and old?" I mock her without meaning to. She showed me her surprised wide eye and a bit parted lips to act as if she's suprised for real. "Ouch. Mr. Jeon you know what? I'd never go grey!" She proudly remarks about herself. But pretending to be hurt by my comment. "Oh yeah that's true. You'll dye your hair. Isn't it?" I won't leave her alone. This whole conversation is adorable since I'm the one who's teasing this little dumpling.

I instantly catch sight of her red cheeks and adding to it... Her eyes are glistening to the point where I could see sparkles in it. "But what will you be looking like!? Mr. Jeon." She comes up with something showing her bold side. I didn't expect this from her. Okay now she's being the brat she's. "What do you mean? By what will I look like?" I act as I didn't get her question. Okay now this brat is smirking. From where did all this bravery come?, out of the blue. "Like.... You know! When I go grey and at the same time what will be your appearance look like?" She explains it clearly so that I can answer her without dodging her shot.

"Uhm- may be a bit grey but I won't dye my hair" I let her know without minding my personal space. I see her amused expression. "And why is that so?" She could become a teacher instead of working on arts. How many questions will this red dumpling ask!?. "Because I believe that I won't be all grey.. like a real silver dyed hair. There might be a equivalent dark hairs, of course." I state being so sure.

"And you wanted to be like a 'pepper-salt' combination!?" She bursts out in laughter. What I have done to myself. I'm going to cry myself to sleep. Now I can't stop thinking about this embarrassment.
"Well that'd be good Mr. Jeon" she brought me out of my zoned out state. But this little dumpling who's not even reaching my shoulder level, didn't stop laughing. She showes her thumb in a positive way to go ahead.

But if I continue with my talking... I'd be the greatest dumb for giving the key to the theif to rob my own valueables. She won't stop mocking at me. At all.

"It seems like someone is going insane. I see!" I exclaimed and with that comment of mine she collected herself together. Now resisting her laughter for real.
"Are you mad at me Mr.jeon ?" Her mood is completely different from before. She's worried. Her youthful thick eyebrows furrows making me to regret my words.
She might be too sensitive.

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