13. Finn?

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I sat there after arranging the four plates in their respective places and Waited for them to be down. I wonder what they would be talking about? And as far as I know I didn't tell mister Jeon about zico's feelings towards me but the Hyenun's misunderstanding at the uni with me, even though that's cleared now I fear zico's state. What if he's still stuck on to it?

To be honest I was about to tell Mr. Jeon the actual reason for me to not go here often or never. That it's because of zico and that I feel sorry for him to not understand his feelings and for hurting him with my unseriousness and lastly I just wanted to avoid the awkwardness between us for that I need to Stop seeing him.

When I told him that I couldn't go to his place often, I discerned his expression and that obviously tells me his feelings. Worry. Yes he was worried when he heard me.

So I've no other option but to tell him about my mental health issues which is actually true. Thankfully I didn't have to lie to him. I hate lying to the ones who are close to my heart.


11:45 PM

"Zic.. it's time for dinner" my uncle Jeon said from the other side of the door. I stood up to open the door for him.
"Ah you got changed!?" He asked to see me with the boxers on and a white tank spaghetti.

I consumed some alcohol before so I couldn't either stand or talk properly. Thankfully uncle didn't notice my state yet? Or is he playing dumb? "Dinner is cooked and kept ready zic.. come down to have it and Yn is also waiting for us" he waited for my response pursing his lips together. I wanted to get some excuse and ditch this dinner. I don't want to do this with her not at least for now.
But unfortunately I can't go against my uncle Jeon.

"Seems like you are lost in your thoughts!?" My uncle sat next to me on the bed. He kind of startled me. "Uhm nope! Uncle I'm alright! I'll join you shortly" I unconsciously coughed this is my worst habit to cough when I'm lying and he knows me well. Yes I'm screwed up, Thank you lord, I love you for this!
I smiled at myself for having a canon event.

"Zico I know there's something going on and that's definitely disturbing you but sweetheart you need to open up so that I can help you" he caressed my hand. " Uncle I really don't want to worry you...you already have too much on your plate, I just don't want to add on to it"
I sighed heavily before standing up to hit the restroom. I narrowed down the way to the vanity and washed my face getting ready to go down for dinner.

"Is it about Hyenun !? Or something or someone else!?" He shot me the question directly. I couldn't be more surprised he somehow manages to get the tea. The source would be Yn! I'm sure about that.
"Uhmm uncle... Can we have a talk uhmm maybe after dinner!?" I didn't restrain myself anymore. "Sure.. now let's go down, Or else the food will have to be heated up again and we're also making Yn wait for a long time." He draws an end to the chat.

As we moved down we saw Yn patiently waiting for us with all the plates arranged, she's a clean girl for a reason!
My eyes met hers shortly when I tried to have a glimpse of her. She immediately drifted her gaze from me. I took my seat and rested myself to eat followed by uncle Jeon.

"Oh pasta it is, right?" I don't want this pin drop silence to linger, so I try to initiate some talk. "Yes you are right boy, but I didn't make rose pasta this time, bear with it for tonight" my uncle gave me a prior notice before I open the lid of the bowl, I'm kind of disappointed since I don't really like white sauce pasta.

"Yeah Anyways I'm hungry so I don't mind eating it for the sake of my appetite " I try to get the oregano which is on Yn's side , I reach out my hand to have hold on to it but before that Yn picks it up and handed me the sprinkler can full of oregano. "Thank you" I slightly bowed my head down and started to add them on to my pasta.

"Eat your food with love. Man!" Uncle Jeon insisted me and patted my back with some force. I faked a smile and Started to dig in. "Mr. Jeon can you please pass me the salt sprinkler?" Yn asked my uncle. She could have asked me since the can is near my side this time. Whatever, I ignored her and proceeded to eat.

"Here sweetheart, I must have distracted while adding salt and as result it's quite less" He chuckled like a teenager in front of us. Cute. Yes my uncle is super cute, no matter how old he's, no matter how muscular he's but still cute.

I've also noticed that he's been more happy and enthusiastic around Yn. At the end all I want is to see him being happy!

He lost his adultwood because of me , because he's chosen me over his adultwood and relationships. He deserves to be happy no matter what and I'm ready to sacrifice anything that makes him happy.

"Oh Mr. Jeon I don't know if you still remember but I'm the one who distracted you, because I remember I'm asking to help you while you were cooking and exactly during that time you were sprinkling salt" shs laughs quietly covering her mouth with her long but cute fingers.

"Ahhh yes I remember, so you are that culprit huh?" He mocks her with his mouth full. My mom and uncle resembles each other so much. I easily tend to admire my uncle whenever he does something say for eating, styling, walking, and damn taking.. so on. Just like how I admire Yn, yes I just started to admire her recently, I feel good when she's around but I don't know what I excatly feel. It's complicated.

I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't see them laughing and chatting until I hear my uncle's laugh which is a bit loud. He means a lot to me just as much as my mother is. Words cannot express my feelings.

"Uhm I want to show you guys something" Yn hesitate her sentance and waited for us to react. I gave my attention to her without saying a word.
"Sure, what it is?" My uncle pitch in.
She hesitantly pushed the long sleeve up on her left arms , until it stops right at the elbow. She slowly twist her forearm and displayed a new tattoo that's not healed yet. She never fails to surprise me.

"Yn" my uncle's mouth is parted already. He's so funny with that look on his face.
"Who's name is that" He asks pointing his index finger towards her tattoo. "Finn" I read out the name, something stings my feeling. Why am I disturbed with this? It's just a random guy's name who she probably knows. Might be her dad's nick name? Or her cousin's? Whatever.

Now she's looking at me , oh shit! I just read out the name loudly and they might have heard me. "It's a nice name" I managed to make up something to avoid the awkwardness. "The pasta was good, I liked it" I said before taking my leave.

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