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Here's another one guy's thank you for 3k reads I love yall.

Robin Arellano was thinking about Finney Blake again. Finney was a lovable rover with ample eyebrows and hairy moles.

Robin walked over to the window and reflected on his snooty surroundings. He had always loved damp Athens with its lazy, light lakes. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel healthy.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a lovable figure of Finney Blake.

Robin gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a charming, stable, whiskey drinker with slimy eyebrows and curvy moles. His friends saw him as a different, dead doctor. Once, he had even jumped into a river and saved an unpleasant chicken.

But not even a charming person who had once jumped into a river and saved an unpleasant chicken, was prepared for what Finney had in store today.

The sun shone like jumping rabbits, making Robin puzzled. Robin grabbed a ripped newspaper that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.

As Robin stepped outside and Finney came closer, he could see the black glint in his eye.

"Look Robin," growled Finney, with a tactless glare that reminded Robin of lovable koalas. "It's not that I don't love you, but I want a phone number. You owe me 3888 euros."

Robin looked back, even more puzzled and still fingering the ripped newspaper. "Finney, I love you," he replied.

They looked at each other with fuzzy feelings, like two distinct, deafening donkeys talking at a very rude carol service, which had classical music playing in the background and two optimistic uncles cooking to the beat.

Robin regarded Finney's ample eyebrows and hairy moles. "I don't have the funds ..." he lied.

Finney glared. "Do you want me to shove that ripped newspaper where the sun don't shine?"

Robin promptly remembered his charming and stable values. "Actually, I do have the funds," he admitted. He reached into his pockets. "Here's what I owe you."

Finney looked happy, his wallet blushing like a rough, rotten ruler.

Then Finney came inside for a nice glass of whiskey.


I'm gonna read this now

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