Chapter 2

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I smiled as I put the Flinstone gummy vitamins away.

"You and Henry are the only two teenagers I know that still eat those types of vitamins." Regina sighed as she put the dishes from last night away.

I frowned and turned around to see Henry looking offended at his mothers comment. I laughed and walk over to the counter to get my bag.

Henry gets his backpack and all three of us walk out the door. I wave goodbye to Henry as he gets on the school bus and to Regina as she gets into her car.

I start my walk to Granny's where I was meeting with Emma. As I walked there I saw my reflection in one of the store windows and stopped to admire myself.

I'll admit, I've grown pretty self confident overtime which is strange considering I used to get bullied before I had even met Peter.

I didn't get bullied often but girls would usually push me in the hallways, same for a couple of boys who hated me for no reason.

I was never popular, I only had two friends, Brian and Alice. Oh Alice, I lost contact with her quite a while ago. Last I heard she got a boyfriend and moved away to New Jersey. She's almost 18 and I'm 16.

Because of the time that I had spent in Neverland it set me a year back even though for me I was only on Neverland for a month and a half. I should be close to turning 18 but I just barely turned 16.

It still confuses me how Peter got a fascination with me. Someone who only had two friends and would get pushed in the hallways during school.

I would get bullied actually often by many boys, mostly for my looks which wasn't a confidence boost whatsoever.

It's strange really, there's so many other girls who he would've love and they would've loved him back. Why did he have to choose me? Why did he have to ruin my life?

I guess some good things came out of it though, I have a best friend and a second mother. I also met my real family.

I looked next to the where I was looking at myself in the window to see a blade.

Flashback (to when Violet was on Neverland)

I pressed the blade deeper into the tree that I was carving the initials of all the lost boys in.

"You shouldn't be wielding a blade." Felix said waiting behind me with his club on shoulders.

I rolled my eyes, "If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield one." I told him and continued.

"Why do you still use one? If Pan finds ou-"

"He only finds out because you tell him." I cut him off, still concentrating on the letter I was carving.

"I can't help it, he frightens me sometimes." He muttered and I turned around to face him. "He frightens us all." I replied honestly.

"Now are you going to finish the rest?" I paused, "Traitor." I grinned at him and he smirked back. I threw the blade in his hand and he let out a groan of pain.

"Violet!" He half yelled and I smiled, "It's just some pain? Suck it up." I told him and he sighed and turned to the tree.

(End of Flashback)

I shook my head at the memory, it was one of the only decent ones I had on Neverland. It was with Felix, whom I miss so much.

I made it to Granny's and smiled a little bit as I stepped in. Ruby ( red riding hood) greeted me and I grinned at her, greeting her as well.

I walked to where I saw Emma sitting with a serious look on her face. I sat down and wiggled my eyebrows at her with a smile.

She let out chuckle as the waitress came to get our order. We both ordered and got our food and drinks pretty quick.

The entire time Emma looked serious and concerned almost. I dropped the fry I was about to put in my mouth and stared at her with my eyes narrowed.

"Okay what gives? You've had that face this entire time." I told her and she sighed.

"It's nothing. I was just thinking about you and everything that's happened to you."

I stiffened at her words. "I'm fine Emma. You needn't worry about me." I replied, lying of course. I immediately felt stupid though for saying needn't and not shouldn't. My way of talking has changed too because of my mother always correcting me.

"No, you're not Vi. You've been so distant lately. Things got better for you, for a while after everything but now you've changed so much. You're cold, and sad. I can feel it." She said putting her hand on top of mine which rested on the table.

I looked at her blankly. "Like I said it's nothing." I emphasized my words. "People just change okay? That's it. I've changed, it's that's simple."

She sighed, "Whatever you say Violet, but I'm always here for you. Everyone in Storybrooke is."

I nodded and fake smiled at her words. We finished eating and I gave her a hug goodbye.


The rest of the week went by fast and before I knew it was hugging Regina and Henry goodbye before I jumped into the portal.

I turned around and wave goodbye one more time before finally jumping in. I appeared suddenly in my room in the castle. I smiled as I looked around at my purple room which has flowers I painted onto the walls all over it.

My mom suddenly entered the room, "My daughter!" She yelled excitedly and ran over to me to hug me. I hugged her back tightly.

I told her all about what happened in Storybooke as we walked down to the dining hall to have dinner.

We opened the doors where my older brother Finley was waiting with a huge grin on his face, his brown fluffy mop head hair flew as he stood up from his chair and ran over to hug me. He picked me up and swung me around while I laughed.

He set me down and I went to sit at my spot next to dad how ruffled my hair as I sat down. I was the only one in my small family that had the golden blonde hair.

My mothers hair was short because of how my dad cut which still irritates me a bit. Why couldn't he have cut it a bit longer?

But anyway my older brother and my parents have dark brown hair, the same I get when I decide to cut my hair and it goes completely dark brown.

But sadly for me I'm cursed with this magical golden hair. That glows when I sing and has healing properties which comes in handy.

We finished eating and by then it was dark. Just as I was falling a sleeping in my mothers lap in grand living room I heard my phone starting to ring.

I groaned, and threw myself off my mother before crawling to the stand and grabbing my phone.

"Who is it?" I said groggily and annoyed.

"Violet! Violet! We need you to come back to Storybrooke." I heard Emma's frantic voice in it.

"Why?" My voice beginning to get concerned.

"Henry's been in an accident!"

I dropped the phone and stood up immediately running to my room.

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