Chapter 3

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I sat in the bench next to Regina, my head laying on her shoulder while she had a hand wrapped around me. I was back in Storybrooke, my family wanted to come but just simply couldn't from all the things they need to do.

Henry was in accident, he was walking home from Granny's when he was attacked by someone who we don't know. I swear if I find out.

He was beaten badly but is fine. I looked behind on through the window of Henry's room where he was laying unconscious in the hospital bed. Emma held his hand and Mary Margaret and David were hugging.

Who would do this? Why? Henry has never hurt anyone.

I laid my head back down on Regina's shoulder. "Henry's going to be fine. He's going to be fine." I told her, trying to convince myself as well.

                      *          *          *

I held Henry's hand while I sat next to his hospital bed. His eyes fluttered and I smiled brightly.

He looked at me alarmed, I shushed him. "Don't try to speak it's okay I'm here." I told him and he looked at me and then at Regina and Hook.

"P-pan." He said in a hushed voice before suddenly all the machines started beeping rapidly.

"What's going on??" I asked as he passed out. What does he mean??

The doctors came rushing in and Regina stayed in the room calling Henry as Hook pulled me out.

I hugged him, crying softly in his shoulder. Pan? What does Henry mean?

"Why would Henry say that?" I cried into Hooks shoulders, he rubbed my back gently. "I don't know love, just the slip of the tounge I'm sure." He told me but I could hear the unsureness in his voice.

After that horrible hospital visit Hook took me to Regina's house where my mom and everyone else was waiting. I looked at them confused. I smiled at my mom and excused myself while Hook explained what happened.

I went up to my room in Regina's house and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red from crying. I'm still confused as to why Henry said Pan before he passed out. I hope he's okay.

I wiped my eyes and grabbed the hair brush in front of the mirror. I brushed through my long golden hair, still sniffing.

I walked downstairs to where everyone was. My mother looked confused as well, she was bringing cups of tea.

"What is it?" I asked confused and they all looked at each other, as if they were afriad to break the news. I immediately thought of the worse.

"Is Henry.." I asked tears filling my eyes and Emma immediately shook her head.

"No no, Henry's fine it's just.." She trailed off, "Well spit it out!" My mother raised her voice finally.

"We think Peter Pan has returned." Hook finally said and my mother let out a cry of shock as she dropped the cups of tea.

I shook my head in denial. "No. That's not possible!" I cried. "He's gone. He's dead!" I told them and they looked at me with pity.

"I'm sorry Violet, but it looks like boys have gone missing again, and what Henry said.." Rumple said uneasily. I could tell he was upset as well.

I shook my head again before running out of Regina's house. I kept running until I reached a forest. My tears blurred my vision as I fell against a tree.

"No!" I cried silently to myself. "No.." I cried more. It's not possible. He can't be back!

(Peters POV)

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