Chapter 21

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I ran over to Violet as she began to vomit up what looked to be blood and dirt. It covered the floor as she vomited more. I held her hair back and I looked around as the glasses around cupboards began to shake.

"Mom! What's going on?!" I heard Henry yell as he ran down the stairs, putting on a robe. He froze as he saw Violet vomiting all over the floor.

I quickly casted a spell to stop her from throwing up for a couple of minutes. Henry who now towered over Violet picked her up as she began to cry quietly.

"Mom what's wrong with her?" Henry asked and I only looked down at Violet with worry across my face.

"I don't- I don't know." I said quickly and grabbed a towel to wipe Violets face. She looked around with fear and resembled a frightened mouse.

"I don't feel well." She said quietly and Henry let out a laugh. I looked at him with wide eyes and he shrugged, Violet still in his arms. "I mean she has blood all over her."

I slapped his head and Violet giggled softly before beginning to cough again and I put the rag against her mouth.

"It must just be from the spell I put on her earlier, the one that made her appear dead. She did die, but she came back so death is just spitting her up."

"Take her upstairs and put her in the shower." I said sternly, "She'll be fine."

Henry nodded and Violet nodded in agreement as he carried her up the stairs. I ran to get something to clean up the blood and dirt that covered the kitchen floor.

(Violets POV)

I cried as I washed blood off of me, it was everywhere. My hair, my mouth, my body. I felt disgusting.

I hadn't had the time to process Devin dying either, I've been to preoccupied recovering, I still have some bruising on my face and on my arms from the beating Peter had given me before they saved me from Neverland.

I went to shower floor and hugged my knees to my chest as I cried, I felt gross. Henry had to help me undress, I told him to leave after he helped with taking my bloody nightgown off. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable but as I heard Henry has a girlfriend. I find it a bit strange that his girlfriend has the same name as me and how he began to date her a couple months after I told him me and him were only friends.

I cried for what felt like hours, scrubbing every part of my body until I was covered in red, I scrubbed hardest at my forearm which still had the scar Peter had given me.

I looked down at the shower drain which had blood steaming down.

I eventually got up and wrapped the towel around my shaking body, I walked out and changed quickly into a pink tank top and pajama pants. Everything has been such a blur since I've been back from Neverland.

I sniffled as I brushed my hair, I'm feeling a bit better but I can still taste the blood in my mouth. I don't understand what's happening to me, I woke up and just began to vomit blood, sometimes dirt spilling out as well.

I looked into the vanity mirror and held back a gasp. My lips were tainted cherry red and below my eyes was red. My skin was ghostly pale as well.

"Jesus I look like death."

I opened the door and I saw Henry standing talking with Regina, they both looked tired.

"Sorry for throwing up dirt everywhere." I scratched the back of my head. Regina only nodded.

"I'm going back to sleep." Regina said and walked into her room. Henry and I both nodded and I turned to look at him with a small smile.

"Wanna read fairytale?" I asked and his face brightened, we haven't read any together since I was 15. "Always."

We both walked into his room and sat on the bed. He took out the infamous book and we read a couple together. Soon enough he turned the page and suddenly there was a knot in my throat.

"Peter and Violet" was written in fancy curly letters and there was a picture from the night me and him first met. I half smiled looking down at myself. When I still had my shoulder length dark brown almost black hair and bangs.

In the drawn picture I held a bag which contained milk and Peter was drawn to be flying above me, watching me as I walked back home with a grin on his face.

"Sorry Violet." Henry said hastily and went to turn to another story but I put my hand on top of his ti stop him. "No..I want to read it."

He looked at me weird, "You sure?" I nodded in response and he muttered an okay.

I began to to read through it and it shocked me to see what I was reading. I had never even known that Peter had followed me home that night we first met, or that he has snuck into my room and caressed my face as I slept. "Vomit." I muttered and Henry let out a small laugh.

I just couldn't believe that all of this was meant to happen, Peter was right. Us meeting and everything after that has been fate.

I got to the page where Devin and I shared our first kiss and I longingly put my hand on top of his face.

"I'm really sorry about that Violet. I know he was your love." Henry said and I nodded. "But we also brought his body back. We can have a funeral."

I turned to look at him, "Really?" He nodded and I smiled.

I yawned, "I'm gonna go to sleep."

Henry nodded and I walked to my room and fell into bed, but no sleep was had that night, the only thing on my mind being the loss of Devin.

When I finally fell asleep and woke up it was to Henry shaking me. "Wake up. Mom made breakfast."

I nodded and sat up to see that I had fallen alseep in Henry's room. I got changed and walked downstairs to where Regina was cooking bacon.

"Smells good." Henry said and I nodded. "You can have it." I said and he looked at me weird. "You sure?" He asked and I nodded again.

"I'm gonna go for a walk." I spoke and Regina nodded as Henry bit into his bacon and look at with a mouthful.

I walked out of Regina's house in a daze. I didn't feel like doing anything but crying and laying in bed. Peter was gone, but Devins still dead.

I walked by a near by tree and sat by the tree stump, laying my back against the bark. Everything seemed to remind of Devin as I looked around at my surroundings. My breath hitched as I looked at a white flower, similar looking to the one that I put on Devins head the night we almost made love.

I plucked the flower out of the ground gently and brought it to the tip of my nose, breathing in its satisfying smell. Tears were brought to my eyes, remembering the flower crown I had been wearing that night.

"I miss you so much."


Hey sorry for the slow updates, honestly just don't wanna finish this book so I put off writing it.

Honestly so sad to say that next chapter is the last one :(

I don't have a third book planned but there is a possibility..honestly only if I get pitched a good idea haha

-your friend that's press on nails are way too long

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