Chapter 11

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As I started sweeping the dirt floor, I thought about who to come with me to try to find Tinkerbells old treehouse. Peter wanted me to go find something and he told me to either ask someone or I had to go with William who is a pain in the behind.

I was considering asking Sam but that was a no go, he's been acting weird around me and I dislike it.

Devin, it is. He causes a lot of trouble but I need a friend.

I decided whenever I saw him that I would ask him, I continued sweeping and when I looked up I saw him walking past.

"Would you care to join me to find Tinkerbells treehouse?" I smiled and he returned it.

"Pan is sending you?" He smiled and I nodded. He looked unsure.

"Come on, aren't you the least bit curious of the things she has?" I prodded.

He didn't reply and looked like he was still thinking. He walked even closer to me and was standing right in front of me.

I smiled sheepishly, "I'll only go if you go." I paused and tapped his hand with the broom stick. "Please." I teased.

He chuckled, "Okay, but we leave right now."

I saluted him and he ruffled my hair. I left the broom stick where I found it and I grabbed his hand. He looked shocked but I smiled. "We're only friends Devin, I love Peter."

He looked sad for a second which confused me but he nodded, we ran to where Peter told me it was. I wasn't sure why he sent me here but I think it was to see if anyone was still living here.

We made it to the treehouse, still hand in hand. We both laughed at a memory of Tootles, the idiot had mistaken a rock for bread and took a bite.

I climbed inside the treehouse first and Devin came up behind. "As expected. Empty!" I groaned.

"At least we got to spend some time together." Devin said and tucked a strand of hair behind my hair.

For some reason, I felt my heart tingle and I blushed. I pushed that away though, I love Peter.

My blush went away and I awkwardly started to look around.

There was an uncomfortable silence until Devin groaned loudly, "Forget it! Pan put a spell on you! You haven't been here for a long time and you hate him! I can't take it anymore!"

I turned around and looked at him blankly for a couple of seconds after his outburst. I snorted before bursting out laughing.

"You're hilarious Devin." I said wiping my tears from laughing.

He looked at me in disbelief and scoffed, I giggled, still laughing at what he said. It's preposterous.

"Fine then." He walked right up to me and kissed me.

And suddenly I remembered everything.

Henry's POV (meanwhile)

I woke up and groaned as I looked around, back of my head hurt. I put my hand and saw blood.

I opened my eyes wider and saw that I was in a cage in Pans camp. "Violet!" I said remembering that she should be here. She's got to have some sympathy for me, I'm not an adult yet. I also hope that our message we gave to Devin actually made it to him.

"What about her?" I looked up and saw Pan staring down at me. I immediately jumped forward. "Let her go!"

He sighed and shook his head before laughing. "She doesn't want to be let go. She loves me."

"No she doesn't! You made her feel those things!" I yelled and started to rattle the cage door. Pan caught a hold of my collar and slammed my face on the cage door, "She loves me. That's final." He paused for a second, "Now, about that heart of yours.."

(Violets POV)

I pulled away from the kiss in shock. All i felt was anger and betrayal. Peter had actually put a spell on me! That bastard!

Devin must of noticed my emotions because he pulled me in a hug and I pushed him away. "No! You let him!" I yelled angrily and he looked hurt.

"I had no choice Violet! What was I supposed to do?"

I put my hands on the side of my head in frustration, my head was hurting and I felt betrayed. The one time I let my guard down around him, the one time I let him truly love and care for me, the one time I felt cared for by him, he pulls this?!

"I kissed him and had sex with him!" I paused as I had started to hyperventilate and cry, "I almost killed my family."

Devin came over to me and I hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear and I shook my head.

"I hate him Devin, I hate him more than anything in this world."

We stayed like that for a little bit before I pulled away and turned around, still fuming with anger. "I want him gone!"

"Violet calm down, he might hear you." Devin said and I scoffed. "Don't tell me to calm down! Look at what he did to me.."

Devin looked genuinely hurt for me as he walked close to me and we stared in each other's eyes, he brought his hand up to cup my cheek and wipe my tear.

I put my forehead on his and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, I calmed my breathing and he kissed me on the forehead.

His hand cupped my cheek and I stared up at him through my eyelashes.

"I kept your bandana."

He looked at me confused for a couple of seconds before a smile crept up on his freckled face.

"You did?" He asked, slightly unsure.

"Of course I did. When you stopped talking to me, it was all I had left of you."

"Im sorry I did that. But I won't leave you again. I promise." He said, determination in his voice and I sighed, remembering Peter. He must've known what I was thinking because he soon spoke up.

"We can still use this to our advantage, he doesn't-" I cut him off quickly with a smirk. "He doesn't know I have my memories back."

He smiled and nodded and I grinned, finally we have a way of beating him at his own game.

Devin and I came up with a plan to trick him into telling me his weaknesses as we walked to camp. I felt like we were being watched but each time I looked for something there was no one around.

I hope we can finally kill him once and for all.

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