Chapter 20

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I pulled it out of me slowly and I repulsed the urge to scream.

Peters entire face fell and he teleported in front of my at such a fast rate that everyone fell to the floor.

He caught me before I fell onto the hardwood floor of the Jolly Roger and I soon began to cry from pain. He put his hands on top of my wound and pressed down as he glared.

"You stupid foolish girl! How could you!" He looked to be on the verge of tears and I couldn't reply.

I soon felt the metallic taste of blood in my mouth and Peters eyes darkened as they filled with worry. He looked to be concentrating as his eyes glowed a light green.

I felt the pain of wound fade away before coming back and I winced in pain. Peter looked like a whirl of emotions, confused, hurt, and angry. I don't think I'd seen him so vulnerable.

I directed my gaze to everyone around and they only watched as Peter tried to stop me from bleeding out. "Sing!" He demanded.

I stayed quiet, knowing that if I did my hair would glow and my wound would be healed. Peter yelled in frustration and grabbed strands of my insanely long hair and placed it right over the wound on my lower stomach.

"I'm- s-sorry." I stuttered out. He looked at with guilt covering his face. He covered it up quickly as he wiped one of my tears away but it did nothing as more kept coming out.

Im afriad, I don't want to die. Im not ready, it's too early. 16 years isn't enough.

But then I think back to Devin, Felix, and Brian's how if I die, I'll see them again. I smiled at the thought.

(Peters POV)

A smile graced Violets lips that had blood on the corners. What possibly could make her smile at a moment like this!!

I feel useless as I watch the girl I love die right in front of me!! Even worse her pathetic Storybrooke friends weren't helping her!!

"Violet stop!" I yelled and demanded her to sing and her smile fell. And fear spread across her face.

"I don't wanna go." She whispered and her eyes darted around to everyone around us who was staring like statues, not daring to move.

"You're not going to." I told her, it felt like my heart was getting ripped out.

"No no. I'm scared." She cried, trying to move around but I didn't allow it. She looked like she accepted her fate as she closed her eyes and smiled for a small second.

I let out a scream of agony as the girl I loved died right in front of me. I even began to cry as I held her body close to me. I looked down at her small face and saw her once face that was full of life, was as pale as freshly fallen snow.

It was their fault! If they had never come to save Henry a couple of years ago she would've been fine! She would be alive!

"I'm sorry Violet." I said and kissed her forehead one last time.

I stood up and turned around to face The Evil  queen and her whole band of pathetic friends.

"You trash you killed her! You killed the love of my life!" I yelled and the sky began to turn gray and everything aboard if the Jolly Roger was flying around everywhere.

"No, it wasn't us." Regina said lowly it looked as if she had been crying as well. I scoffed and with a wave of my hand they were all on the floor.

My group of lost boys ran over and kicked them and began to tie them up. They all struggled and my son Rumple seemed to have vanished.

I turned towards my second in command and told him to take Violet away. William ran towards her and swiftly picked her up in his arms. I felt tears in my eyes as I looked at Violet.

I thought back to when we first met, and I how I knew we were meant to be. I still remember the way her chocolate eyes glistened in the light, the innocent glow she had that surround her, and her smile above all. She was so innocent and carefree then.

But now she was gone.

I unsheathed a knife I had in my belt and walked over to where Hook was tied against a wooden pole, next to rest of these horrible people Violet thought to be her family. They hadn't even helped her.

I pulled Hook up by his hair and glared. "It shouldve been you." I gritted my teeth in anger and I smirked as I saw fear flash across Emma and everyone else's face.

"Leave him alone Pan!" I heard a pathetic yell and turned my glare towards where Henry was and smiled. I'll kill him after I kill Hook, id love nothing more than to kill Henry in front of his family.

I smirked as I heard yells of protest as I pressed the dagger against Hooks neck, and just as I was about to press down killing him I felt something hit my back. And then the feeling of pain.

I turned around, falling to me knees as the arrow had pierced my back, hitting the edge of my heart. I felt betrayed as I saw Violet holding a cross bow with tears in her eyes. But she was dead! I saw it, her heart had stopped beating.

The look of regret etched across her still beautiful face.

I felt a tear slide down my face as I realized it was her who had shot the arrow at me.


I looked up to the sky and felt life being sucked out of me. It began to lightly rain and then thunder as I took my last breath.

(Violets POV)

I watched as Sam went to cut down everyone from the wooden piles they were tied on. Sam had been the one to take me away from William, and Tootles had been the one to 'bring me back from the dead' as he called it.

It was the plan all along, well not a very specific plan. All I had been told was to 'die' in front of Peter, Regina had cast a spell to bring make me temporarily dead.

I fell to the floor as I cried, Henry ran over and held me in his arms. I felt awful as I continued to cry. I had taken someone's life.

It didn't matter to me that it had been Peter, despite me hating him, he had also been there for me when I desperately needed someone. He had been the one to put me to sleep when all I could was cry.

"Shh- it's okay." Henry attempted to soothe me. "He's gone now."

If only Henry had known that I wasn't crying out of fear of Peter hurting me more, I was crying because of the guilt I feel from killing him.

(Regina's POV)

It was night time, and it felt good that Violet no longer had to carry the weight on her shoulders of fearing Pan.

It took a while to sort everything out, most of the lost boys were angry and don't want to do anything. And Violet seemed to be upset for a reason that no one can seem to comprehend.

Her father, Flynn Rider, eventually had to pick her up and carry her back to my house where her family would be staying but couldn't and we're staying elsewhere.

II thought it was sweet how he was the only one who was able to fully console her. Violet had need her fathers support and he provided it.

I took a glass out of the cupboard in the kitchen and began to fill it up with tap water while I sighed. Feeling relaxed and good. Even if it might that last for long, for once we're all at peace.

I heard whimpering and I turned around quickly, perhaps I spoke to soon.

My lips parted in shock in confusion as I saw Violet standing a couple of feet in front of me with wet hair that was soaked with blood at the ends, blood which looked to be splattered and covering her once white long sleeved nightgown. Her lips tainted light red, pale skin, and purple bags under eyes which made her look dead. Her entire body was shaking as she stared at me with fear and confusion.

"What's happening to me?"

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