Chapter 15

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I looked up and saw Hook! I stood up and hugged him immediately, it felt as if it had been ages.

"I missed you so much." I said into his shoulder.

"I miss you too love." He paused and I pulled back. "Is Henry-"

I rolled my eyes aa i cut him off, "He's fine, a little bruised in the face but he's healthy."

His face looked relieved as he told me to follow him to his camp. I shook my head no, I didn't want to face anyone after the last time I had seen all of the them. I also know that Peter is out looking for me.

"Come on, your mother is worried sick about you." He said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Which one?" I joked and he laughed before patting me on the shoulder, "There's the Violet I love and missed."

He lead me to there camp and I sighed as my immediate family came running towards me, my mother hugging me and placing kiss all of my face while Finley seemed upset and scolded me for kissing a boy.

My father was silent as he hugged me, I could tell he had missed me dearly, as much as I miss him.

"How are we going to kill that monster?" I said as I flicked Finleys head away as he kept scolding me for kissing Devin.

"We have a plan but it's not safe to tell you right now. We just need to get him to Storybrooke." Emma said sternly and I nodded.

"We all need to leave this Island, it's been too long." Hook said and we all went silent before agreeing.

I felt so stupid that everyone had put their entire lives on hold for me.

Emma soon came over to me and whispered my plan, I smiled as I heard it. It was perfect.

"I have to go, Peter will-" I was curt of by a worried Emma, "I know, I know. Just tell Henry we love him and please be careful." She placed a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and began walking off into the jungle, when I arrived I suddenly had chains wrapped around me and I couldn't move my arms! I looked up and saw Devin looking similar to me.

I suddenly got pushed in front of the hanging tree, it was where you would get hanged if you ever did something to betray Peter.

I wearily stood up and stood next to Devin. I grabbed ahold of his hand, which was behind his back. "Now you guys would never do anything to betray me right?" Peter looked at the both of us and we both nodded right away and fast.

"No." I quickly said and tried to act confused but I knew what was going on. Peter had finally caught on.

"Then why would you both kiss each other when you both know that Violet is mine!" He snarled and punched Devin in the face. I let out a yell. "Stop it!"

Devin and I's hands were still entwined as Peter ignored me and continued to beat Devin to a pulp while the lost boys and I watched. I've never felt so helpless in my entire life.

Peter stopped beating him and turned to me, fear filled my heart as I feared he would kill me or worse. He slapped me across the face and I heard some of the lost boys let out a gasp.

Peter slapped me again on my other cheek and I let out a cry as I tasted blood in my mouth. He suddenly roughly pulled me into his arms, I tried to move and push him away but the chains wouldn't let me.

He kissed me on the lips, roughly and hungrily. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and whimpered as I desperately tried to pull away.

He let go and once again pushed me next to Devin. "We have two traitors here! One being a filthy lost boy and the other being my love." He said and stroked my cheek as I tried to pull away.

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