Chapter 13

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I sat in the treehouse by myself, I sat in front of the table in a chair as I picked my hands.

It's the next morning, I had gotten bad news. After last night I woke up to Peter watching me sleep and he told me I wasn't allowed to see Devin anymore.

When he told me that I thought my cover had been blown, but it turns out he just doesn't like how I'm close with him.

I'm safe for another day!

But theres a strange aura, it's like everyone is waiting for something to happen.

The door opened and I turned around and saw Devin with an smile. His smile slowly fell as he realized I wasn't smiling in return.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he approached me and sat down next to me.

"I don't feel very well." I said quietly and he brought up his hand to my forehead, "You feel hot. You need proper medicine." He said in a caring voice and I stayed silent, still looking blankly at the table in front of me.

"I'll talk with Pan." He said and I immediately turned my head to look at him. "No!" I said in a stern voice and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Peter can't know you were here." I told him and he still looked confused.

"I'm not to see you anymore." I told him and turned my head back to look in front of me.

"Not to see me?" He asked sounding confused and almost hurt.

"I'm afraid that he might suspect us Devin." I paused and turned to look at him.

"He suspects our.." I paused not knowing what to call what we have, "Terribleness."

Tears slowly filled my eyes and Devin gently took ahold of my hand that was resting on my lap, I turned to look at him. "Violet, everything will be alright."

I stared up into his eyes for a couple of seconds before the door suddenly busted open and we both turned around and saw an angry looking Peter.

"You." He gritted out and walked angrily up to Devin, where he grabbed him by the hair and threw him on the floor.

"You won't leave her alone? Will you?" He asked angrily.

"Peter-" I started and he wheeled around to slap me across the face! My hand immediately went to my hurting cheek.

"Shut your mouth." He snarled and went over to Devin, he dragged him out of the treehouse and threw him on the dirt floor.

I stood there watching with wide eyes, I was so screwed. He must know now!

Peter slammed the door and turned to look at me. "I thought you loved me. You said you loved me." He said angrily and I flinched before walking up to him.

I cupped his cheek, "Of course I do. He's just-" I paused, "He was a friend."

He calmed down almost right away and kissed me.

I smiled as I pulled away, "You need to be more trusting of me."

He nodded and hugged me, I soothingly rubbed circles onto his back, hoping he wouldn't want more.

"Can I go outside now?" I innocently asked and he nodded and took my hand in his.

He lead me outside and told me to sit down on a log where Devin was no where near. I suddenly saw Devin get up and leave and my eyes widened.

Peter sat down next to me and brought me food, "Where did Devin go?"

His grip on my arm tightened and I glanced at William who was sitting on a near log who shook his head no with a serious face.

"Why do you care?" Peters eyes narrowed and I shrugged. "I care about everyone one this island."

"Hunting." He replied as I started to eat the food he had given me. After I finished eating Peter walked off to go somewhere, I had asked but he told me it was nothing important.

I stood up, and started to explore around camp a little bit. I came across a cage and gasped when I saw a dirty and beat up looking Henry.

"Henry!" I gasped and went to open the cage, "What has he done to you?"

He weakly smiled and looked relieved to see me, "I told him to let you go."

I rolled my eyes at that. "So I take it your back to normal." He said and I nodded.

"Devin got our message." He whispered to himself and I perked up.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he shook his head. "We sent him a message to kiss you, to break the spell. True loves kiss."

My mouth opened slightly, I was shocked. Sure I really liked Devin, maybe I even love him, but true love..?

"I wasn't sure if he was your true love but I guess the kiss proved it." He said almost sadly and I stayed silent.

"How are we to get back to our family?" I asked and he shrugged. "We can leave right now. No one will see us."

I shook my head, "I will not leave without Devin." I said in a serious tone and he sighed.

"What do you see in him? He's awful." Henry said I shook my head, remembering how later after the duel that I wasn't present for (I had gone to visit the lake) I came back and saw Devin with a slashed cheek.

To which when I asked he said that he had lost a duel, I still remember giggling while cleaning him up.

He later told me that he felt jealous that I was getting close with Henry, I laughed hard when he told me that. I love Henry but not in that way.

"You don't know him like I do." I said and he shook his head, "Violet he tried to hurt me."

"He's changed." I tried to convince Henry but he didn't look convinced at all.

"I love him Henry." I said finally admitting my love for him and all I wanted to do was see him and embrace him.

"Fine, if you trust him, so do I." He finished and I kissed him on the cheek.

"You'll always be my number one boy Hen." I said and he blushed at the nickname.

I sat down with him and decided when we would try to leave, we can't exactly leave with William watching us.

Peter came back and immediately grabbed me and brought to the front of the treehouse. He immediately started to kiss me and he made me wrap my legs around his waist while we kissed.

Our tongues danced with each other and I felt uncomfortable, knowing that the lost boys were watching with creepy smiles on their faces.

He lowered me and opened the door, he walked in first but I looked around realizing that it was almost night and Devin hadn't returned.

"Can I go exploring? I'm slightly worried about Devin."

Peter looked at me with a blank face which worried me, "Walk inside and slam the door."

"Why?" I asked sounding almost worried.

"Just do it." He said sternly and I obeyed and walked inside, slamming the door behind me.

I looked him with confusion, "Why can't I go check on Devin if I want to?" A silence filled the room.

"Because I killed him."

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