Chapter 10

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"Jesus." I groaned while leaning against a tree. All of the lost boys were in the training area and I refused to train with them.

My body or really, down there was hurting. Peter and me had sex after I woke up from nap. It was intense and he wasn't as gentle as last time, I had a whole hand print mark on my neck.

I feel embarrassed for having a break down like that but I love him so much for staying with me.

Peter was busy watching the lost boys trained and I too was watching them. They were all good in fighting.

I soon made eye contact with a lost boy, Sam, his light green eyes looked even brighter in the sun that was shining down on us. I smiled, to be polite of course.

There is only one boy I love and that is Peter.

I felt more pain and I groaned again, Peter walked over, concerned, and I spoke to him. "Can I go back to camp now? I hurt inside."

He nodded and stroked my cheek, I smiled and leaned into his touch. I kissed him before leaving but I noticed that Devin and Sam looked upset with that? I wonder why?

I then saw Nibs, another lost boy start throwing the daggers at the target furiously. Wow, he's really good at that.

I walked back to camp, but as I I was walking I heard a pair of voices talking. Adults!

I immediately pulled my hood over my head and pulled out a sword and hid it against my back. Peter had warned me about them, I hate adults so much.

I hid behind a tree and saw Emma talking to Captain Hook! Wait how do I know their names?

Never mind that, I wanted them gone. I didn't need them bothering us. I raised my sword and threw it right at Emma's head.

She moved just in time before it hit and she looked at me with a confused look.

She pulled out her sword and soon enough a whole bunch of adults came running. "It's a lost boy." I heard Regina whisper and I get again felt confusion. How the hell did I know their names? I could name them all right now!

"What should we do?" Rapunzel asked with caution and I rolled my eyes. I pulled out my bow and arrow and shot an arrow, it grazed David and he let out a groan.

"Okay I'm killing him." Regina said and made a fireball with her hand. She threw it right at me, ignoring everyone's protest and I ducked down and missed it.

Suddenly a whole axe was thrown at me, I didn't see by who and I was almost a goner. I catched it with my right hand and took down my hood.

They all looked shocked and I smiled as I threw the axe right back. It just about to hit Henry who was hiding behind his mother like a pathetic child, but that idiot Rumplestiltskin had stopped it with a spell.

"Violet!" Henry yelled he looked happy to see me. I took out my bow and arrow again and shot one right him. This time he had dodged it successfully and looked hurt as he looked at me.

"Pans put a spell on her." Rumple said and Rapunzel looked upset.

"It's me Violet, your mother." She said and I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I don't have a mother. Peter saved me from that awful orphanage filled with adults like you all."

"Violet please." Henry said with tears in his eyes and I scoffed. "I don't even know who you are!"

"We'll that's too bad." Regina said and I felt a hand cover my mouth and throw some dust in my face.

(Henry's POV)

Finley gently picked Violet up after throwing the pixe dust in her face. I was so confused and hurt. I never thought I'd see my best friend trying to kill me.

Finley carried her all the way back to our camp as we tried to figure out what to do. We didn't exactly know how to break the spell.

We brainstormed ways and the best one we could come up with was true loves kiss but from what I know Violet has only kissed one boy, being Devin.

Our best chance of fixing her is finding the guy that challenged me to a duel a couple of years ago.

Violet had told me a lot about Devin, how she had liked him a lot and how she was heart broken when he stopped talking to her when Pan was killed.

But those feelings soon arose again when he came to her 15th birthday party. I'm jealous of him to be quite honest, I used to like Violet but that ended when I confessed my feelings for her on Fourth of July and she told me she wanted to be nothing but friends.

"We have to find Devin." I said aloud and everyone turned to look at me. "He was Violets first kiss, we have to at least try."

"How do we find him?" My mom, Emma, asked and my other mom realized who I was talking about. "Wait a minute..he's that kid who I ripped his heart out!" She recalled and Snow White sighed.

"Wait Violet had a first kiss?!" Finley yelled out of shock and I nodded. "How dare he? He kissed my baby sister when I see hi-"

I cut him off, "She kissed him first Finley." I said and he shut up but still looked like a mad overprotective brother.

Suddenly everything around his was billowing on flames and all the trees were on fire. Hook ran over to Violet who was sleeping on log and threw her or he his shoulder.

The fire surrounded all of us in a circle and we were all trapped.

Violet started walking up and she weakly fell of his shoulder and picked up and axe which she weakly but somehow threw sting enough to chop a whole tree down.

She ran out through the opening as we all did. We were soon met with an anger Pan and I was suddenly hit over the head.

The last thing I saw was a lost boy dragging me and Violet hugging Pan.

We're all done for.

(Violets POV)

Peter hugged me and brought my to our treehouse where he gave me some soup to make me feel better.

"I can't believe I let those adults trick me." I said to Peter as I put a spoonful of the soup.

He reached out his hand and stroked my cheek as I set the soup down. "Some woman who looked like me told she was my mother."

Peter looked up at with cautious eyes, as if I had found something out I hadn't. I was extremely confused by all of this. There were a lot of gaps in my memory.

"They're liars. I saved you, remember?" He smiled and I smiled as well.

"Of course i do. I trust you, not them."


Next chapter is probably coming out soon, I'm trying to finish this book and I'm also sick right now so I've got some spare time.

Thanks for reading

-ur friend that has a sore ass throat

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