Chapter 18

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"Please no. Please no." I whispered as I looked down at the pregnancy test.

My leg was bouncing up and down anxiously as I heard girls walking in and out of the public bathroom I was in.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed and banged my fist angrily on the bathroom stall next to me.

I looked up as I noticed the door began to creak open and saw an older looking girl with dark hair and glasses looking at me.

"Crap. Are you pregnant?" She asked and I stood up and pushed her out of the way which was out of character for me.

"No." I simply replied as I stood in front of the mirror and wiped some in coming tears out of my eyes.

I looked behind me and the mirror and took a closer look at the girl.

"Sorry, Im-" I was swiftly cut of her by her.

"Violet, you're Rapunzels daughter!" She exclaimed excitedly and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"And you are..?" I asked cautiously and she giggled. "I'm Hermione." She said as she extended her hand out and I took it and shook it. She looked a couple of years older than me.

I wondered what a girl like her is doing in Storybrooke all by herself because as far as I know Storybrooke isn't on any maps.

"How did you get here?" I asked as I turned back around towards the mirror and ran my hand through my hair and she shrugged.

"Just a pit stop with my daughter and boyfriend." She said and I heard a toilet flush and a little girl came out. She looked 3 years old.

I dismissed all of my old thoughts and walked out of there bathroom without saying goodbye or anything, feeling to embarrassed.

I walked towards granny's anxiously, my hands shaking.

The last time I had seen Peter was yesterday in the morning when I was throwing up. I begged him to leave and he did, I haven't seen him since.

I rubbed my upper arm anxiously, the long sleeved shirt I was wearing was soft and I was grateful for it. I can't really wear any short sleeves things anymore.

I tried for hours to heal what Peter had done to my arm with my hair but it was useless, he must've put some spell to keep it there forever. I even lost my voice for a couple of hours from singing so much.

We finally have a plan to kill Peter, but it requires me doing something I'd really rather not do. But I'll do whatever it takes to kill him.


I turned around to see a face I hadn't seen a very long time, Slightly, standing right in front of me.

He was a lost boy who I had met the first time I was on Neverland, I've always liked him, as a friend of course. He was close with Devin and Tootles who I think is still on Neverland.

Slightly looked different, he looked older. When I had met him he was around my current age, but now he looks to be 20 or 19.

I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. He looked hurt and confused. I arched my eyebrow up in confusion.

"Is it true about Devin?" He asked quietly and my face fell.

I didn't know what to say or how to respond.

I guess he took my silence as a yes as he walked up to me and gave me a tight hug. "One of the old lost boys told me but I didn't know if it was true."

"I'm sorry Violet, I lost my friend but you lost the true love of your young life."

I stayed silent, trying not to let tears fall. I pulled away from the hug and looked up at him. "Peter killed him, he found out that me and him were in love." I told him, a tear falling down my cheek.

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