Chapter 12

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I laid in bed with Peter, who for some reason wasn't touchy with me as he usually was.

I turned my body to look at his face and saw him deep in his thoughts. His eyes held anger and I got scared. I went to turn back around but he grabbed me by the upper arm and stopped me.

I faked my smile, "What's wrong?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and pinched his nose bridge. He looked frustrated and I thought of what brainwashed me would do.

I brought my hand up and rubbed up and down his 'muscles'. He looked pleased and smirked.

He brought up his hand to move some of my hair out of my face and I only stared at him.

He suddenly started to get touchy and he got on top of me. I wanted to kick him off but I can blow my cover already.

"Well?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

"Arent we gonna make love?" He stroked my cheek and I stopped myself from gagging. I froze for a second, I didn't know what to do.

"Again love? Let my body relax." I told him and he groaned and rolled off me.

He smirked, "There's still some things we can do though." And he started taking off my clothes, I couldn't exactly stop him so I just laid there motionless while he did what he wanted.

Afterwards I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep because I had woken up with his arms still around my waist, I was only in my undergarments now.

(Regina's POV)

I rolled my eyes as we went through the jungle, now Henry and Violet we're both taken and there was nothing but bickering from everyone.

"Are we there yet? I want to find my children." I said and Emma sighed.

"We can't exactly be there yet, we don't even know where we are going." She said and Finley spoke up.

"Pan doesn't know who I am right? Maybe I could pretend to be a lost boy."

"Not possible, he would see right through you and end up killing you most likely." Hook said and I looked down at handmaid bracelet Violet had given me last year for Christmas.

I really hope she's okay, she can be a lot to handle sometimes but I love her as much as I love Henry. I can only hope she's okay.

"How are we going to kill him? You guys have done it before, why not again?" Rapunzel asked.

"We just have to get him weak enough to kill him. Then we can drive a sword through his heart and he'll be gone." Rumple said as he cut through a bush.

"How are we going to get him weak enough? We need something to hurt him." I said and Emma agreed.

"If he has Henry he's probably planning on taking his heart again." She said and I paused, my heart fell. I still remembering seeing Henry's unconscious body on the floor and Violet getting taken away by Pan. I had never so felt useless in my entire life.

"Something will happen. Theres not a chance he doesn't have a weakness." Hook said and hope filled my heart for a second.

We all know he only has weakeness, and it's Violet.

(Violets POV)

I sat on a log away from everyone else, I wanted to be left alone as I thought. It was nightfall now and not much had happened, after I woke up Peter left to train with the lost boys and I was left alone.

Currently, Peter was away, I didn't exactly know where he was but I didn't want to know.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around, ready to fight, but I saw Nibs grinning at me.

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