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Threatened by Donovan's message, Boma buried her head in her book for about ten minutes.

A Christian student rose and apologized to everyone for interrupting their reading. He urged them to bow their heads in prayer after quoting scripture that said -it is not by might or by power but by the spirit says the Lord. Then he urged everyone to depend on God to pass their tests and exams.

Some students told him to shut up while others listened to him. Hilda bluntly told him that without reading, one would fail whether they prayed or not. She said God did not work that way. He would help but you had to be willing to do the work.

The student agreed that she was correct. He also told her that he didn't want any trouble. He just needed to conduct a collective prayer. She shrugged and ignored him.

The student began to pray for God's help.

Boma found herself bowing her head to his prayer and when he was done, she said amen with the rest of the others who had joined in the prayer.

Then the student who had led the prayer began to make an announcement.

"Guys, I want to use this opportunity and announce my intention to run as Student Union President. "

Some people booed him, telling him to sit down and stop interrupting the reading session. He raised his hands apologetically and sat down, leaving everyone alone.

Boma stared at Hilda in amusement.

" Well, these are the things you sometimes see here. " Hilda said and they smiled at each other.

Then they both returned to their books. Boma could see that while some students were studying, some were snacking while some had their heads on the table, sleeping and some were busy with their phones.

Suddenly a male student rose and said everyone should go home as he could see evil spirits around the theater causing everyone to be distracted in one way or the other.

A few students cursed at him, telling him to be silent and quit disturbing. The guy grabbed his backpack and left the theater. Following his advice, some students followed him.

Boma was taken aback and looked at Hilda who grinned at her.

"This is so strange," Boma commented.

"I know, right."

"But aside from the drama, it is not so bad anyway."

"Yeah." Hilda agreed. "And by the way, did Donovan tell you why he forbids this?"

"He said there is time for everything. The night is for sleeping and I should do my reading during the day at the library or hostel. He does not like the idea of all-night reading, especially in the lecture theater as it is not safe, seeing as the school is not so secure."

"I see. "

" Yeah. "

" He does have a point. "

"I hate to admit it but yeah. "

" Can I ask you a question? "

" Yes. "

" Do you have even one percent of likeness for Donovan? "

" No. Why? " Boma asked hotly.

" I don't know. Just asking. "

"Hey, keep it down. " a girl seated ahead of them cautioned, turning around to face them.

"Are we disturbing you?" Hilda asked, feigning ignorance.

"Yes. Stop talking." the girl said forcefully.

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