Tired of Stupidity

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Ok people seriously? Yea killing cops wont get you far. Have you considered what all this means? What that fucking Marital Law IS!?!? It means the president has been wanting RIOTS. WANTING US TO TURN OUR BACKS ON EVERYTHING OUR FOREFATHERS FOUGHT FOR!!! YEA I DON'T AGREE WITH MUCH OF EITHER SIDE. CIVILIAN NOR GOVERNMENT/POLICE. But my point is its going to be a goverment takeover soon. ESPECIALLY IF YOU TRY TO RETAILIATE. FUCKING SUE IF YOU FUCKING HAVE TO BUT QUIT WITH THE RIOTS. DONT YOU SEE?

This is a game, and the US is losing. BADLY. WHY? Because we keep playing into the hands of the corrupt champion.

You know those stupid people in horror films? Yea you know the ones that investigate that strange sound and die? THAT IS PRACTICALLY EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THESE RIOTS?

MY FUCKING ENTITY CANNOT STAND THIS. Like seriously we do not need our families and friends dying in a pointless civil war. Equality? Try more like stupidity! Font you know civil disobedience can get things done for you better than violence? At least that wont make us fall under a dictatorship.

Trust me. This has been the plan since the beginning.

Care to explain why you DONT AGREE? Go right ahead no judgment shall be passed through me with out hearing the rioters opinions.

Why? Because it wouldn't be right. Because it would be crushing a belief with out giving it a chance. Because what are we with out each-other? Because i just want all this innocent blood shed to fucking end.

I can only imagine what loosing someone to death may be like. But i know i would be damn proud if it was for what they believed in. Killing someone on their beliefs is oppression. Hmm sound familiar? Yes. i applaud you if you figured it out.

ISIS. The first thing i heard about the group, killing people for believing in GOD.

Doesnt seem very suspicious that all this is becoming big as Obama is supposed to leave office? No? Well think about it. The BIG MAN is PULLING THE STRINGS!

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