TO the kids

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Against bulling


To the kids

This goes out to the kids

Who've been bullied an teased

To the point of suicide

To those who've been told the can't

Just cause the say no

means you say yes

They say you can't know you can

Make them suffer humility by being strong

This is to the kids who have it rough

Those who need to defy

You not alone

Just cause they say no

Means you should say yes

They say you can't

Know you can

Make them have misery by being strong

So this is to the kids who need to bully just to feel alright

Just cause they say no

Means you should say yes!

They say you can't

know you can

Cause them death

By being strong

Because you can do anything

Your heart desires

Even if you kill their fires

Prove them wrong!!

Cause your special

You someone's treasure

So try to be you

So put your hand up if ever feel alone

Cause people say no

Rebel and say yes

Even if they say you can't

Know that you can

Through you own standards

You are strong



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