Missing you til it hurts

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Missing you til it hurts

Why do I have this emptiness

And these feelings I can't express

What I can't understand

Is why I need you

Cause now I'm missing you til it hurts

Tears cascading down

Turning smiles into frowns

An now Without water im drowning

In despair

Why am I missing you

I don't even love you now

You beat me down

Pretending you held the crown

So why am I the who misses you

I shouldn't be sad that your gone

You left of you own free will

So why can't I just erase you?

Cause now I'm missing you til it hurts

Tears cascading down

Smilies transforming into frowns

With these tears I'm drowning

In despair

You were the one who messed me up

Beating me not only physically

I used think it was alright

Until you got worse

So why do I miss you

No one has a clue

Of why I'm talking to myself

I am seriously contemplating suicide

But no one even cares

So just leave me

Me drowning in despair

Then outta no where

You show up

Saying you not crazy

And that you won't hurt me

But I know it's a lie

Cause in the end you'll

Always be gone

No where to be seen

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