Face VS Name

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Names. So easily whispered An carried through the winds embraces but also a fallen victim from the predator that declared it to be a prey; to be forgotten.

Faces on the other hand made themselves a predator to be reckoned with. Haunting any souls who would be the rays of sun-shining through the trees on a hidden path, quickly infecting them with pain and sorrow that devours happiness and inflects questioning upon life itself. Making those its claimed an shoving them into the high traffic of the memory highway? Negative thoughts getting into every nook and cranny before the drift into a sleepless sleep.

Why did we grow apart

Why didnt we talk more

If i forget you, doesnt that count as my own betrayal?

Even if i am still willing to help ease you pain?

I knew what you said behind my back.

It hurt but....

I just didnt want to loose you.

But you cant loose what you never had. Just a piece of yourself.

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