Silence of the Dark

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You know a lot of my problems wouldn't happen if i didn't speak. What if i found a way to silence myself forever?

Would you feel sorry for all those terrible things? Well its okay. Ive already accepted that i deserved it. So I'm sorry. I already punished myself, won't you go away?

No? Ok i probably deserved this too. The torturous words you dish out and serve on a silver platter is making my mind lose its self along with how many others who have bare witnessed this abuse.

I hardly even process the liquid falling off my face from my dark, dull watching orbs. I don't doubt they've lost their innocent shine from when I was a child.

Oh and another thing has come to surface about minds. Not everyone remembers the same things. Learning that hurts almost as much as those empty fucking promises.

But don't worry you soon will forget this as well. And i won't be there to remind you as the silent darkness accepts me further into its constricted grip, suffocatingly holding on until a hollow shell is all you see.

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