It will all be alright in the end

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Welcome to the last chapter, I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I enjoined creating it, thank you for all your ongoing support, without you reading my stories, I wouldn't be writing more, so thank you.

There is chaos going all around me, screams and the noise of everyone falling over each other to get out rings out into the air and all  I can do is stare at the blood on my hands.

The words " I promise to keep you safe with my life" Is on a loop in my head as I hear Edward saying the words again and again.

I feel Arms lift me, but I fight with all my might to get released.

" NO, let me go I need Edward" I scream.

"EDWARD, EDWARD" I  scream again as I claw at the arms that holding  me.

" Lou, you need to calm down" I hear Niall's voice in my ear, I then realise that he is the one holding me, and I try hard calm down a bit.

" That's much better".

I am now calm enough to take in what is going on around me.

Zayn is off to the side with a figure struggling under him, which is the shooter I presume, I face my eyes forward and see Edwards body on the floor, with Liam leaning over him and Harry is by his side, there is blood pooled on the floor around him, and I can't take my eyes off his body which is so lifeless.

" Harry" I call out.

He turns his head at the mention of his name and the look on his face is one of great anguish, tears pool in his eyes as they streak down his face, he quickly turns back without saying anything.

I feel my body go limp and heavy in Niall's arms, as I feel him pull me back to the edge of the stage to give Liam some room as I watch two Paramedics with a gurney rush to his side.

Words are spoken then I watch as Edwards body is place on the gurney and both Liam and Harry are running alongside of it, I watch them disappear and then I crumble, sobs shaking my body.

I hear conversation going all around me, but I am too distraught to take it in, I know the arms around me are not Harry's or Edwards and It is too painful to think.

" It's going to be alright Lou" Niall saids but all I can do is shake my head no.

How are things going to be alright again after what just happened, I am still in disbelief.

" Louis are you ok? I hear through the chaos, and I realise Mark and Matt are standing next to me trying to have a conversation with me.

My mine quickly flips a switch and I turn to them in anger.

" How the fuck do you think I am, this is all your fucking fault, if you hadn't pushed to me to do this Edward wouldn't have been shot, so I am not fucking good I am fucking shattered" I say in one big Angry sentence.

" We are sorry Louis, if we knew something like this was going to happen, we wouldn't have gone through with it ".

" Well, here's a fact for you, you did know Edward told you and you didn't fucking listen".

"Louis" I hear Matts voice say but I shut him down really quickly.

"  Don't  Louis me, just go, just fuck off, I don't want to see either of you at the moment", I then turn to Niall who is standing at the side watching me  let lose.

" Take me to Edward" I demand.

We pull up outside the hospital and our car is instantly bombard with paparazzi, cameras going off right  in front of my eyes,  as the car is swarmed.

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