Im going to kill The Judgement Day!!

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Credit Snowyflakes5646

Liv Morgans POV:

Im right now watching Austin's main event match against the judgement day leader, Finn Balor in my dressing room. I'm keeping a close eye on Rhea since I know she going to do something to my man. I still have unfinished business with her, so I'll be ready for it, I'll kick her ass if she does anything to him, or just remotely thinks about doing anything.

Corey Graves: Looks like Finns about to jump onto the top ropes

Kevin Patrick: ooh doesn't look good for Austin Theory-

Corey Graves: Austin's counters Finn, ooh and super kicks him to the face.

Kevin Patrick: Austin might have a chance!!

Corey Graves : and its, A-Town Down!!


I see Damien and Dominik get into the ring and begin to beat the crap out of Austin, making the match a disqualification. I ran out of the dressing room to go out there and help him, he would do the same for me.

Liv Morgan's entrance song plays (you can play the song if you want)

Corey Graves: OMG it's Austin Theory's girlfriend, LIV MORGAN!! And she has a steel chair with her!!

Kevin Patrick: What is she doing here?!?

Corey Graves: she's here to help her man obviously Kevin?! You wouldn't know cause your single!

I begin to run up to the ring, as Dominik call out for Rhea. I begin to beat the living hell out of Dominik and Damien with the still chair till Rhea enters the ring. She stand to me, face to face as she begins to attack me. I try to hold her with my chair, but she begins to fight through. Luckily, Austin gets up and round house kicks her out of the ring. As Austin's helps me get a grip onto myself, we get jumped by Finn as he drags Austin out of the ring. I try to follow after him, but Damien grabs and hold me tight, so I can't escape.

The white circle is where Austin and the Judgement Day are, While Damien and Liv are on the steps with the crowd.

He Carrie's me up to the forward to the arena stairs, where I look up to see Austin and the rest of the judgement day, fighting on the edge of the highest seats of the arena

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He Carrie's me up to the forward to the arena stairs, where I look up to see Austin and the rest of the judgement day, fighting on the edge of the highest seats of the arena. I can see him losing his balance, as I try to escape Damien's grasp. Thankfully, Austin's counters the Judgement Days attack and takes control of the brawl. I cheer from Damien's grasp, then get stopped when he lets go of me and turns me towards him. "HEY! AUSTIN!!" Damien's yells to him as he turns around. Damien the. Grabs my checks and kisses me on the lips. As I try to pull away from him I can hear Austin yelling at him. "GET THE FUCK OFf OF HE-"

Austin gets interrupter by a a punch from Rhea Which has him lose his balance and fall landing in the hard steps.

⚠️Gore Ahead⚠️

The Whole crowd went silent, the Judgement day just stood there in shock, until Finn starts yelling at Rhea. "What the Fuck was that RHEA!!" As he argues with her and Dominik. Damien quickly lets go of me, and runs towards the judgment day. I ran to Austin's lifeless body, laying on the stairs, blood coming from all sides of him. I notice a hugs cut on his head, where majority of the blood is coming from.

I begin to break out crying, screaming for medical attention

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I begin to break out crying, screaming for medical attention. They arrive at the stairs with a stretcher, and place him onto the stretcher, quickly taking him out of the arena. I quickly follow behind them until we get to the ambulance, "I'm sorry ma'am, you can't come in the ambulance, family only." He says As I try to argue with him. "Please doctor, that's my BOYFRIEND!" I scream at him with tears rollling down my eyes. "MA'AM, I said NO!" He says back to me as he closes the doors of the ambulance, which then begins to drive away. I fall down to my knees and and begin to scream with all of my heart.

"Hey Liv, it's going to be okay." I hear someone say to me, I turn around to see Rey Mysterio standing behind me. I immediately get up and hug him, as I cry onto his shoulder. "I SWEAR TO GOD IM GOING TO KILL THEM FOR THIS!!" I yell as I cry even more. "Liv it's ok calm down. I'll help you deal with them." Rey says as I kinda look at him with confusion. "But I though you said-" "Forget that, the Judgement Day has taken it too far, they should never put there hand an other human being like that, even if they are as big of an asshole like Austin." Rey says to me as I smile a little bit. "Come on, I'll drive you to the hospital." He says as a slowly follow him. Oh Austin please be okay. 🥺

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