Your just like her (part1)

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Liv Morgans POV:

I'm right now training  in the ring with Matt Riddle, for my match at Clash of the Castle. He offered to train with me, knowing Austin's new schedule ever since HHH become head of creative.

"Ok Liv, your opponent is on the ground, now your going to do a diving crossbody." Said Matt Riddle, as he laid out flat in the ring. I was on the top ropes. I hesitate on how I should do it, but I decided to just screw it as I jumped onto Matt Riddle. I ended up sitting on top of him, getting the move wrong.
"Ok, not the best, but we can improve on it bro." Riddle continued. As he put his fingers through his hair. I kinda laughed a little.

"Sorry Riddle, I have gotten over with that move with Austin." I said as he slowly frowns a little. "Is something wrong Riddle?" I ask as he quickly goose back into a smile. "No bro, nothings wrong, just thought I saw a fly or something." Riddle said as we both laughed a little.

"Excuse me?" I hear a voice outside of the ring say. We both look to see Austin standing there. "Um, am Interrupting something?" He ask as I quickly  get off of him. "uh no bro, we were just training together nothing much." Matt Riddle response with as Austin's just frowns at him. "Alright I guess." Austin mumbles as I look down at the mat.  "You ready to go?" Austin ask me as I nod and get out of the ring, then grabbing his hand and walking out with him..

"See you tomorrow Riddle!" I say as Riddle waves back and winks. I got a little confused but brushed it off. Once we got to his car, it was silence. I could tell something was off. "Hey you ok babe?" I ask as Austin ignores my question and focus on the road. I can feel the atmosphere get so thick, and the silence of the car give me guilt inside, for something I don't even know what I have done. "Hey babe, really everything good?" I ask again as he sighs. "Training huh, don't think training  involves you sitting on top of the other person the way you were sitting on him." He says with a little anger in his voice. I actually laugh a little to it.

"Babe seriously, you think I would have something for Riddle, baby he's just a friend, but that's actually funny!" I say as I continue to laugh at his comment. He puts a little grin on his face. "You really think my caring about our loyalty is funny to you?" He ask trying to hold in his own laughter. "Well when your talking about a guy like Matt Riddle!" I say, laughing in between.

"Babe don't worry, I wouldn't even think about doing that to you." I say as I grab his hand. "Yea I'm just worried cause of my last relationship, ya know?" He says as he brings my hand out to his lips, as he kisses it. "I know, but don't worry about me, I'm not like your exe." I say as I look out of the window at the other cars.

The next day, at Riddle and Liv's training 

"Riddle can we take a break for a moment please?" I ask out of breath from all of the intense training. "Sure bro, take as much time as you need. (:" he says as he passes me my water. I close my eyes and start to chug it down. I then start to feel someone's hand rub my arm, when I look up, I see Riddle staring right at me. "You know Liv, you look kinda.....nice when you train." He tells me as I immediately figure out what was going on.

"Riddle your like a brother to me, and you know I have a boyfriend." I say as he sighs.

Austin's Theory's POV:

I decided to surprise Liv during her trading with Riddle early with some chipotle. I shouldn't really worry to much about her, she loyal and she told me there was nothing between her and Riddle. As I get to the place I slowly creek open the door, to my surprise see Matt Riddle pinning Liv against the wall. I wanted to barge in, but decided to to hide and watch.

"Come on Liv, what can he do that I can't do?" He ask as he puts his hand on her face. She looks up at him trying to push his hand away from her, but stops.

"Riddle I-"

"Ssshh, just don't say anything bro." Riddle says, interrupting Liv. Soon they start to lean towards each other and


That's it I've had enough of this bullshit. I batch into the room, making the door slam against the wall, scaring both of them, Liv's eyes widen.

"WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS CRAP!?" I ye with so much drag in my voice. Then I start laughing. "My goodness you dirty ass liar you are Liv." I say, laughing as I press me head against the wall.

"Babe it's not what you think!?" She tries saying as I push her away. "Yea bro, don't blame your girl, I-

"I DON'T WANNA HERE OUT OF YOUR SLUTTY BITCH ASS!?" I yell as I slap him across the face. Liv gasp. "BABE!?" She yells. "DON'T BABE ME BITCH, YOU ARE A FUCKEN LIAR, YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T LIKE HER, BUT YOU WERE FUCKEN WRONG, YOU EXACTLY LIKE HER." I yell before running out to my car and driving off.

I left cause I didn't wanna them to see break down into tears after I had yelled at them like a dick head.
Once in my driveway m, I press my head against the steering wheel and start to cry me eyes out. I just couldn't comprehend what has just happened.

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