Shes mine bitch (how they met)

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Editors note: this story is set in the same universe as one of my earliest stores in this book,"She's mine bitch" it's just when they are just meeting for the first time( might make multiple short stories off of this one universe)

Liv Morgans POV:

Wednesday September 14, 2021

Journal entry #48

Today I'm going to go investigate the old abandon wear house located by the mens club. Rumors have been going around school about how a local gang called the Inferno, has been using there for the decades and decades. The warehouse closed down in the 1960's, but is still apparently one of the towns landmarks I guess. My friends have told about all of the stories about that place, like the Salish brothers, and how they supposedly gotten murdered by the gang just for trying to get their ball back. I've never believed those stories, so I'm going to check out the warehouse for myself once and for all.

I finish writing my journal as I close it and lock it up, placing it in my bag. I look up to see the warehouse which look more like a brownish gray shaggy torn up building. I begin to walk towards the the big Rusty's doors. The light from outside shines inside, being the only light source. I leave the door open to have a light source as I look around. There are stools and chairs sitting at tables, there were punching bags at each corner of the area, Exercise equipment sitting next to them, and tons of bats and guns. I'm kinda was shocked at the amount of weapons laying around on the floor.

I decided to walk over to to on of the guns to take a closer look at it, but then I hear a the entrance door slam behind me. I jump and quickly turn around. It was complete darkness, I couldn't see anything. Suddenly I feel a cloth go over my mouth with some sort of liquid on it. It's griping onto me, as I try to escape it.


I hear whisper into my ear as I slowly begin to close my eyes.

Fast forward a couple hours later

I wake up to find myself tied to a chair and tape over my mouth. The room ins dark with a small light bulb dangling above me. I look around the room to see some dudes with black clothing and small pistols in their pockets.  I start to get worried, as I try to talk through the tape on my mouth.

"EEY, SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLE!" one of the guys yell to me as I start to cry in fear. The guy comes up to me and punches me in the face, giving me a nose bleed. "I SAID SHUT UP YOU LITTLE-"

"Excuse me" a voice says, as the man stops and turns around. A tall man wearing a mask over his face enters the room. He's holding a rifle in his hand, and his phone with AirPods in the other. He's wearing one AirPod in his ear. But it's easy to mistake it as one of his ear piercings. He's earrings are the shiniest thing in the room, look like they could be a better light source then the light bulb. The man walks up to me and and bends down to my level. His blue eyes stare me down as he puts his hand on my face. His light brown hair shines with the sweat and oil mixed in with his hair. He must of been working out before this.

He checks my face out for any bruises around. He notice my bloody nose and starts wiping it off my face with his thumb. He calls one of the guys over, then runs the blood from his thumb, to the guys shirt. He then takes a tissue from his pocket and begins to wipe my nose down, stopping the bleeding. He then pulls down his mask and hand it over to one of the guards. His beard looking a lot dryer then his hair, and it's kinda hot.

"Now what the fuck are you doing her ma'am?" The bearded man ask me as I shake in fear. "I...I wanted to see if-" I get cut off by the man.

"See told you guys, she just like every other fool in this town, wanting to see if we actually resigned here." He says as the other 2 men chuckle. "You know your the First Lady to have the balls to come, every idiot who ever dared to come here were teenage boys." He says as he put his hand on my check.

"You know what we would do to them?" He ask me as I shake my head. "We SKINNED THEM!" He says as he laughs it off. I can feel my heart begin to race at 100 miles per hour. I start to breath fast and heavily as The man stops laughing. "Geez sweetheart, don't take it too seriously." He said putting his head on my shoulder. Once I've calmed down, he unties me and makes me lean against him.

"We aren't going to do that to you, at least if you don't misbehave." He tells me as I breath onto his chest. "I'm Austin sweetheart, you mind telling me your name?" He ask, as I stay in silence.

"I said what's your name?!" He say, now sounding very pissed off. "L...Liv sir...?" I say finally muttering up the words. He smiles and looks back at the other men. "Liv, what an adorable name!" He says in a little mocking voice.

He then grabs my wrist and takes me to the door. He looks back at the other men and tells them. "Get the car started, I'll take her to my place till we figure out what to do with her." The men nod and open the door for us. Austin takes me out of the room and back into the warehouse. I try to hold back tears of fear as I just wanna get out of here. Austin notice and and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Aaaw, don't cry like a whiny bitch, your the one who put yourself in this situations." Austin yells me as I sigh. He's right, it's my fault I'm here now.

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