Legend vs Myth

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Izuku was standing on top of a building until bruce came on the coms

batman: "whats up"

Bruce com: "a group of 3 jokers have been spotted entering a cemetery i'm sending you the location now"

batman: "got it heading there now

After saying this he jumps off the building before gliding towards the cemetery

With the jokers

Joker 1: "Yo man why are we here again?"

Joker 2: "because idiot one of these corpses hold's hella cash"

Joker 3: "yeah but which one"

Joker 2: "the boss said look for the one with three golden crosses"

The jokers spent a while looking before finding a crypt with three golden crosses on it. They all look at each other waiting for one of them to go in first.

Joker 1: "so who's going in first"

Joker 3: "i say we send the fearless leader in first"

They both look at joker 2 who only groaned before slowly walked towards the door as her reached for the handle of the door a batarang flew past him and embedded itself in the wall beside him the gang looked behind them only to see Izuku gliding towards them before they could do anything Izuku kicked joker 2 into the door causing him to be thrown through the door. When he went through the door he fell down a set of stairs landing in a room with a stone coffin in the center of the room as he gets up he looks around the room only seeing the coffin he pulled out a knife and walks to the coffin when he uses the knife to try and pry it opens the more he tried the more uncoordinated his moments became when he finally managed to get the coffin lid off his hand slipped and caused him to cut his other hand making it bleed. After holding his hand in pain he looks in the coffin only to finds a dried up skeleton wrapped in rusted chains as he gets a better look he sees that the skull had things he looks round the body trying to find anything that could lead him to the money not seeing anything he slams both his hands on the coffin causing the blood from his hand to fly onto a chain where it proceeded to drop from the chain and into the decomposing hears as soon as it made contact with the heart it started regrowing and beating before the muscles and skin around the body started to regrow. The joker heard the fighting from up stairs as he turned to the stairs he grabbed his knife ready to fight only for a pair of hands to grab him and quickly pull him back into the coffin.

Joker 2: "AAAAAHhhhhhh!!!"

With Izuku

He had just finished taking down the two jokers only to hear a scream from the crypt he quickly ran in only for it to look like its been untouched as soon as he gets down their he activates his detective vision only to see nothing no sign of life he looks around the room before opening the coffin only to find a dehydrated corps after seeing this he closes the coffin and makes his way back to the surface where hotties the two joker up before contacting bruce

Bruce com: "what happened"

batman: "three jokers i think they were trying to find treasure or something unfortunately one got away"

Bruce com: "how?"

batman: "not sure i kicked him into a crypt but when i got down their he was gone nothing in their that shouldn't be"

Bruce com: "i've alerted the police and pro's their heading to your location you should leave before they get there"

batman: "copy that"

He hangs up before rocketing out of the graveyard after a few minutes the door to the crypt opened and a hand pulled both the jokers into the crypt before the door slammed shut.

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now