Chapter 2

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[Butter's POV]

      I held my knees to my chest as I continued to sob. Bruises covered me from head to toe, causing any movement I made to send pain through my entire body. I hated it here. I wish mom had gotten home before dad did since she might have been able to stop him from hurting me too bad. But who was I kidding? I don't get to experience good things, nor do I ever get breaks.

      'Well then, maybe I could go out as Professor Chaos and wreak havoc on this quiet mountain town. Hmm yes, that's a great idea. I'll be hurt more than normal due to these bruises though...' I thought, sniffling and standing up. I smiled to myself, before heading towards my closet to put on my "armor". Though I was nearly an adult, going out as Chaos still made me happy in a weird sort of way. I could make others feel the pain I have to go through every day to let out my anger and then go back to being sweet, happy little Butters. As long as that Mysterion person doesn't come and stop me and my plans anyways...

      Ugh, Mysterion. I hate him so much. He's always there to stop my evil plans of hurting others and taking over/destroying the world. It's not fair! This kid probably has it good. His family probably treats him way better than my own treats me, and he probably never gets grounded. I just wanted to be able to show others how horrible it is to be in situations I have to go through every day so that they know what it feels like. But there comes Mysterion, off to ruin my plans!

      I finished slipping on my armor while grumbling about Mysterion and quietly opened my window. Balancing on the windowsill, I jumped off and into the snow, sparks of pain shooting throughout my body. Hopefully I'd be able to hold up tonight.

      I slowly got up before running down our driveway and onto the sidewalk. As I ran down the sidewalk, I looked at the time on my phone. It read '10:37 pm'. I decided against calling over General Disarray, since I knew he'd already be asleep by now. I wouldn't disturb him tonight, as nothing important would be happening with my plans anyways. Just the normal fighting routine where Mysterion and I fought until one or the other got too tired or too hurt...

      Once I reached the middle of town, I saw a figure in a dark cloak keeling over under a streetlight. I easily identified the figure as Mysterion himself, since it wasn't that hard to figure out. I mean, who else wears a cape along with a bobbly green question mark on the hood?

      I slowly walked towards the hero, worried for some absurd reason. I hated him, yes, but for some reason I was worried about his sudden... weakness. He almost never acted like this, especially out in public where people could see if they happened to walk by. Luckily, nobody was around at the moment.

      I slowly reached my hand towards his shoulder, lightly shaking him once it made contact. His head whipped around to reveal his puffy, red face. It was obvious he had been crying.

      'Ugh, why am I even worried about him? A hero of all people! And why on earth do I feel so bad for him? It's not like he feels bad whenever he beats me up or sees me crying...'

      "Ch- Chaos..!" He growled, jumping backwards and shifting into a fighting position.

      "Mysterion." I simply stated in reply.

      With that, we both lunged at each other. He punched my face, stomach, and legs all while not seeming to notice the large bruises that had already formed in those places from earlier. I winced, trying not to hiss in pain. As he continued to put up a fight, I brought my leg up to knee him in the balls.

      Mysterion stopped firing punch after punch as he had become distracted with the move I just pulled. His eye twitched and his hands slightly shook. With him distracted, I pinned him beneath me, my elbow holding him in place by the throat.

      "I should kill you right now Mysterion, but I'm far too intrigued as to why you were crying earlier." I said, making sure to keep my balance by placing my other hand by his head for support. Hopefully he didn't struggle too much, because my wrists stil hurt pretty bad.

      He blushed a bit, but quickly put a straight face back on.

      "L- like I'd ever tell you Chaos..." He managed to spit out. I pushed my elbow harder against his neck, causing him to squeak quietly and blush again. Why the hell was he doing that? I ignored it and pressed on (not his throat).

      "God damnit Mysterion! Just tell me why you were crying so we can both go home!" I shouted directly in his face, slapping him to get the point across. I noticed a few tears falling down his face, but I was quickly pushed away. He had used his feet to push me off of himself, causing me to fall to the ground onto my back. When I managed to get myself up again, he was nowhere in sight.

      'God, he's such a weirdo! I shouldn't care about how he feels! But I still wonder why he was crying... Ugh, Butters stop! His feelings are none of you concern!' I thought, making my way back to my house.

      Once I managed to sneak my way back through the house and into my room, I changed into my pajamas. I decided to give up thinking about the events that happened tonight, and quickly fell asleep.

Word Count: 971
Date Finished: 11/1/22

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