Chapter 9

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[3rd person POV]

      It was currently Wednesday, meaning it had been almost a week since Cartman was ditched by Kyle and Stan, and he was mad. He was extremely pissed off that they up and left him to go hang out with Kenny and Butters instead.

      'What to do... what to do...' He thought, tapping his pencil against his desk. He was currently in his room thinking of ways to get back at the others. 'Oh, that's right! Karen McCormick... I warned Kenny, and Kyle and Stan ruined his chances of keeping his sister alive. Hmmm... there's gotta be something else I can do too.. Oh, yes! That's perfect! It'll all take place this Friday...' He thought, cracking an evil smile.

      He had come up with the perfect evil plan.


      " -and then he threw the controller right at the TV! The screen went black, so we both thought it was broken. It turns out it was just unplugged by Ike tripping over the cord! You shoulda seen Kyle's face though, it was hilarious!" Stan exclaimed, the group of teens laughing at their table.

      Ever since Kyle and Stan left Cartman, they had begun to hang out with Kenny and Butters. They also started to notice how physical the other two had become, hugging, holding hands, etc. They said they weren't in a relationship, but Stan and Kyle didn't believe that. At least, they didn't believe that the two didn't have feelings for each other.

      It was obvious how they looked at each other when the other didn't notice, and the way either would blush when caught staring. How they called each other pet names and kissed each other's cheek or forehead. The way they worried and took care of each other when hurt.

      It was adorable. All they needed to do was get Kenny and Butters to confess to each other.


      Kenny walked down the hall, stopping at Butter's last hour and waiting for him to walk out of class. He had left his own class 5 minutes early, so he had a bit longer to wait.

      What was weird was that Stan had walked out of class behind him, trying to quietly follow him through the hallway. He didn't know what the other wanted, but he definately wasn't sneaky enough to go unnoticed. Kenny turned around and seen the other right behind him.

      "Stan, why were you following me? If you want to talk, you know I'm always willing to. All you need to do is ask." He said, placing a hand on his hip. The other laughed nervously, scratching the back if his neck. Kenny cocked an eyebrow.

      "Okay. Kenny, I'll cut to the chase. Kyle and I know you like Butters. We think you should tell him, since it's obvious he likes you back." He said, catching the other off-guard. Kenny choked on air, coughing as he tried to regain his breath.

      "I- I... Okay, so maybe I like Butters... a lot. I didn't think it was that noticeable." Kenny said, his face going red. Stan started laughing, wiping a tear from his eye.

      "What- what are you laughing about?" Kenny asked, looking at the other.

      "Kenny, pal, not noticeable?" He said, chuckling.

      "Well... Okay, maybe with the holding hands and hugging and stuff... But are you sure he likes me back?" He asked. Stan put a hand on his shoulder.

      "Yes Kenny. I'm 100 percent sure he likes you too. Now, you gonna ask him?" The other stayed silent for a minute or two.

      "...Yeah. You know what? Yes! I will! I'll tell him I love him right when he gets out of class!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down. Little did he know, the class had already gotten out.

      Butters was standing right beside him.

Word Count: 620
Date Finished: 11/7/22

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