Chapter 7

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[Butter's POV]

I sat at my lunch table, my head laying in my arms. I was the only person in the cafeteria who sat alone. I know we can go off campus and stuff, but I never had the energy to walk to the stores or restaurants in the area.

I felt all the stares that were pointed in my direction, so I buried my face deeper into my arms. There seemed to be more stares today due to me not cleaning the blood off of my face. I sighed. I didn't have the energy to clean myself up today. It wouldn't make me look any better.

I heard shuffling behind me, and was surprised when someone sat down next to me. I lifted my head out of my arms to see Kenny. Oh gosh, was he mad at me for not asking him for help. Oh Jesus, he probably hates me too-

"Hi Butters..." He said, his voice quiet and soft. Huh, that's weird... He never sounds this... well... sad? Why was he sad? Hmm, I'm going to find out.

"Heya fella. What's wrong? Why aren't you sitting with your buddies?" I asked, tilting my head. He looked from me to the floor, and started to cry softly. I was worried, so I turned him around so face me and gave him a tight hug. He shakily brought his hands up and set them on my back, crying into my shoulder.

There were a lot of people staring at us, including Stan and Kyle. Cartman wasn't though. Did he do something to Kenny? I swear to God if he did...

"He... he kicked me out of the friend group... I- I can't sit or hang out with them anymore! And- and when I followed him through the hallway to tell him he was being ridiculous, he- he said if I didn't leave him alone he'd-" He choked out, sobbing harder. I rubbed circles on his back, trying to comfort him as best as I could. I knew he was referring to Cartman.

"What? What did he say he'd do buddy?"

"He- he said he'd go to the h- hospital and- and- ...He said he'd go to the hospital and kill Karen himself! I- I haven't told anyone that she was in the hospital, so I don't know how he knew! I- I don't want him to kill her Butters! I- I-" He sobbed, crying even louder now.

I picked him up. He was surprisingly light, poor guy. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist and I walked us out of the cafeteria. I decided I would take him to his house, since my dad was probably home today and I didn't want to deal with his anger and abuse.

God, did I feel bad for Kenny though. Getting kicked out of the friend group he's been a part of since kindergarten was horrible. How could Cartman do such a thing. God, do I hate him. Kenny sniffled, lifting his head from my shoulder.

"B- Butters? Where are we going?" He asked. I lifted a hand to ruffle his hair.

"We're going to your house fella. I don't think I can deal with my dad today..." I answered, sighing. He nodded and slowly started to drift off to sleep. I smiled. He was so cute- Oh hamburgers... Maybe I do like-like him..

Once we got to his house, I knocked on the door.

"Yes? Oh, hi Butters! Why are you and Kenny here so early? I didn't think school would be out right now..." Kenny's mom said, answering the door. She didn't say anything about the blood, so I assumed she was trying to be polite.

"Well," I started, looking at Kenny who seemed to be trying to hide himself from his mom. He probably didnt want to seem weak in front of his mom. "Uhm.. school drama. Do you mind if we stay here instead of going back to school?" I asked, giving her a hopeful look.

"Well, I don't see why not. Come in, come in." She said, moving aside to let us in the house. I smiled and thanked her, walking up the stairs and to what I assumed was Kenny's room. He nodded to signal it was his, so I opened the door and sat him down on his bed. I closed the door before walking back towards him and sitting down.

"I'm sorry to hear what happened Ken... I- I wish I could do something about it..." I said softly, hitting my knuckles together. He smiled sadly before grabbing me and pulling me down on the bed with him. I was lying next to him, extremely flustered. I then realized that he only wanted to cuddle.

We both moved until we were comfortable, pulling the blanket over ourselves to keep us warm.

"Please... Please stay, Butters..." He whispered, nuzzling his face into my chest. I smiled down at him, ruffling his hair once more.

"I will, Kenny. Don't worry. This time, I promise."

Word Count: 845
Date Finished: 11/7/22

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