Chapter 11

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[3rd person POV]

Time skip: Friday

      Kenny sat at his desk, his head buried in his arms. He was extremely worried about Butters. He knew how cruel his dad was, and how bad he beat him. For all he knew, Butters could be dead right now! That thought sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't lose Butters, he just couldn't! He wanted to go to his house to see if he was alright, but his dad always seemed to be on patrol in the front yard.

      "Kenny? Kenny McCormick! Answer the question damnit!" The teacher shouted, slamming his hand on the teen's desk. Kenny looked up at the teacher, before putting his head back in his arms. The teachers started to yell at him, and the kids began to stare, but Kenny couldn't give two shits. The only thing he cared about was the possibility that Butters might be okay.

      "If you don't start paying attention mister, you'll be heading straight to detention!" He yelled, reaching for the Kenny's hood in an attempt to pull him up so he'd pay attention. The word mister set Kenny off and instead, Kenny quickly swatted his hand away with an angry look in his eyes.

      "KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF ME ASSHOLE!" He shouted, taking everyone by surprise. He even took himself a bit by surprise.

      "That's it! That's two weeks detention young man! Now get out of my classroom!" The teacher said angrily, pointing his bony finger at the door. Kenny stood up and grabbed his backpack, stomping out the door and slamming it behind him. Suddenly, the PA system went on.

      "Uh, could Kenny McCormick come down to my office Mmkay?" The voice said, it obviously being Mr. Mackey. He had moved to the high school along with the students, saying something about missing them and that they were his favorites even with their bad behavior.

      Kenny sighed. 'This day couldn't get any worse could it?' He thought to himself. He walked down the hall, dragging his feet behind him. He didn't want anymore to do with this school. Once he made it to the small office, he stopped for a minute to breathe. Pulling down his hood, he combed his hands through his hair and opened the door.

      "Hey, Kenny. Take a seat Mkay?" Mr. Mackey said. He seemed uncomfortable... Regardless, Kenny walked over and flopped down on the chair. Mackey took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. A quiet sigh escaped from his lips.

      "Goodness, how do I say this Kenny? Well... I called you here because something happened to your little sister.." He started, immediately catching the others attention. He hadn't used any 'Mkays' in that sentence, so it must've been really important.

      "What... what happened..?" He squeaked, knowing it was something bad. He most likely wouldn't have been called down if it wasn't.

      "Oh jeez, well.. Kenny, they found Karen unplugged from the machines keeping her alive. They- they couldn't exactly save her in time..." He answered, trailing off.

      Kenny sat there, a painful empty feeling taking over. He hardly noticed the tears spilling from his eyes. Everything felt so pointless. He couldn't stop Butter's dad from locking him away in his room, and now this. He knew who did this. He didn't know if he had the strength to fight back.

Word Count: 560
Date Finished: 11/8/22

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