Chapter 6

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[3rd person POV]

      Kenny stared at the clock, watching its hands move slower than molasses. Was 3rd hour ever going to end?

      He shifted his focus from the clock to Butters. Dried blood was smeared on a couple places of his face. It was obvious he had been beaten up yet again. But he didn't tell him or ask for help like he said he would.

      Kenny was upset. He wanted to help, but Butters obviously didn't want any. Well, like it or not, Kenny was going to help Butters. Kenny found it kind of strange that he felt such a strong need to protect the other blonde so quickly.

      He formed a plan. He was going to catch up to Cartman after class and kick his ass. He knew that Cartman had done this since his fat ass was smirking to himself at his desk. Also because of the dried blood on his bright yellow gloves. It was incredibly noticeable.

      Kenny took a piece of notebook paper out of his torn up backpack and started to scribble down words. When he was done, it read: 'Meet me out back after this shitty class ends. I need to talk to you about something.

      Crumpling up the paper, he tossed it at the fatass. He watched as it hit him square in the head, smiling when he heard him mutter a few cuss words. Cartman opened it and took a few seconds to read it. When he finished reading, he looked at Kenny with an annoyed, yet curious look. Kenny just blinked back in response.

      After the last 30 minutes of class passed, Kenny quickly stood up and walked out the door. Heading down the hallway, he walked to the back doors of the school. Once he walked through them, he leaned against the brick building and waited for Cartman to arrive. It only took a few minutes.

      "What the hell do you want Kenny?" The brunette asked, loudly walking through the doors. He looked slightly annoyed. He crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. Kenny sighed loudly.

      "Cartman, you need to stop bullying Butters. He's done nothing wrong to you. If you don't leave him alone, I'll have to beat the shit out of you. Trust me, I wouldn't mind kicking your ass." Kenny replied, staring him dead in the eyes.

      "The fuck, Kenny? What the hell are you, gay? You wanna rail that fag or something? Jesus christ Kenny. I knew you were a whore, but I didn't think you were a fag like he is!" He said, shouting the last sentence. This pissed Kenny off.

      "No you fat fucking prick! I just happen to actually care for other people and their feelings! Now lay the fuck off of the poor kid you heartless asshole!" He yelled back, punching the other I'm the face. Cartman stood there, dumbfounded. After a minute of silence, he spoke.

      "You know what slut? Fine. I won't bully that fairy anymore. But that also means that you won't be sitting at our lunch table. Ever again. You also won't be hanging with us anymore. Kinny McWhoremick, you are no longer apart of the friend group. You can go be gay with your little faggy boyfriend. So long douchebag." He growled, spitting in the poor boy's face.

      What the hell just happened..?

Word Count: 559
Date Finished: 11/6/22

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