Chapter 13

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[3rd person POV]

      Kenny quickly put on his Mysterion suit, stumbling as he slipped each boot on one after the other. When he successfully got his suit on, he ran over to his window, hopping on the sill and swiftly jumping to the ground. His body had started aching a bit from jumping out of Cartman's window earlier, but he ignored the pain.

      He broke into a run, climbing up the bricks of the nearest building he saw and hauling himself onto the roof. He jumped from roof to roof, keeping a close eye out for Cartman. His light weight made him very nimble, so he moved quite fast. Suddenly, a scream pierced the quiet night. It wasn't super loud, but definately loud enough to be worrisome.

      'Jesus Christ... Did there have to be a crime tonight of all nights? Oh well.. The town's safety comes before my vengeance.' Mysterion thought, letting out a sigh. He swiftly moved from rooftop to rooftop, trying to find where the scream was coming from. As he moved, the screams grew louder and louder so he knew he was almost there.

      "Wait a damn minute... that sounds like Chaos-" He mumbled to himself, peering over the edge of the roof he was currently on. He was surprised to see what he saw.

      There was Chaos himself, choking as he tried to pry the arm around his neck away from him. The person choking him was none other than Cartman, who also seemed to be using his free hand to hold a knife to the taller's throat.

      "Butters, Butters, Butters... You shouldn't have fought back against me. You shouldn't have had everyone turn against me, poor old Butters..." He hissed, pressing the tip of the knife into the other's skin. He cried, trembling as Cartman slowly started to drag the knife sideways.

      Kenny was horrified at the sight. This was what Cartman planned to do next? He really was going to take away everyone else he cared about? Also, Butters was Professor Chaos!? His mind felt fuzzy but he shook his head to rid the fuzziness. He jumped off of the roof, landing on Cartman's back. The fatter male shrieked before throwing the vigilante off of him. The bad thing about weighing so little meant being pushed very far and very easily.

      Mysterion flew against the wall, gasping as the air left his lungs. He slid to the dirty cement, gagging as he tried to refill his lungs with lost air. Cartman whipped over in Kenny's direction, moving Butters with him. This caused the knife to fully slit the others throat, the other crying and growing limp. Butter's eyes fluttered as he tried to keep them open, his sobs growing quieter as blood dripped down his chin.

      "B- BUTTERS!" Kenny screamed, bringing himself to his feet and lunging at Cartman. Cartman yelped and quickly dug the knife into the other's stomach. The wail that escaped from Butters was one of the most heart wrenching things Kenny had ever heard.

      He landed on Cartman, shrieking and punching as hard as he could. A few teeth flew out of his mouth as blood started pouring out of his nose. Kenny screamed in rage, not stopping until the other was fully knocked out. When he noticed that Cartman was out cold, he grabbed the walkie-talkie he kept in his belt and contacted the police. He was given the small device for emergancy use. He stumbled over his words as he screamed the address into it, the police trying their best to understand him. After a minute, they confirmed his location and said that they were headed over.

      Kenny immediately turned his attention over to Butters, who was lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. He choked as he tried to breathe, broken cries still escaping his lips.

      "B- Butters..." Kenny cried, crawling over to the other and holding him in his arms. The other was completely limp as he continued to gasp for air.

      "I- I'm sorry Mysterion. You should leave me to die, since it would mean less trouble for you and the town... I- I thought you would leave me for sure. I... didn't think you cared about me..." The taller whispered, his eyes nearly closed. Mysterion sobbed, pulling down his hood to reveal that he was Kenny.

      "Of course I care about you Butters! I- I didn't know you were Chaos until now though... I'm so sorry for hurting you before! I'm so so sorry for inflicting so much pain onto you... I- I love you so much Butters and I- I've been so worried about you! I'm so sorry this is all my fault-" Butters pressed his finger against the others lips, silencing him. He lightly took hold of his chin, signaling that he wanted a kiss. The other sniffled before leaning down an kissing the taller male.

      Kenny felt Butters smile against the kiss, before his head lolled backwards. Blood dripped all over the hero as sirens blared in the background. Kenny buried his face into his lover's chest before the paramedics pulled him out of his grasp and into the back of an ambulence.

Word Count: 865
Date Finished: 11/13/22

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