Duneclaws (Dune • Sixclaws)

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For anyone curious, I got drunk to write this, I'm sober now and holy lord there's a lot of spelling mistakes, I tried my best to go through and correct everything and give more detail, but there's always gonna be some mistakes when it comes to me :].

Dune's POV

Dune looked up to Sixclaws since the day they met, and the two had stayed a tight unit, two peas in a pod.

Dune was drawn to Six claws like a moth to a flame, he really loved him, and he wanted to tell him all the time but just couldn't find any courage to. One night, on Dunes 7th birthday, however, the two snuck away to go be alone together to indulge in a boozy night.


"Oh common Sixclaws!" The younger, smaller sandwing said with a grin as they ventured through a small town not too far from the palace, the two of them side by side, like they always were, and like they always would be if Dune had a say in it.

Sixclaws smiled a bit at Dune, and knocked his side "I'm not buying alcohol for you" the older of the two said, and then paused when Dune huphed, Sixclaws sighed softly and let a wing drift across Dune's back. Dune turned and looked up at Sixclaws. "What if I said pretty please" he said simply, and smiled up at Sixclaws again.

The older dragon sighed "you're not suppose to drink, you only have to wait another year, Dune. I don't want to break the law."

Dune rolled his eyes "it's a stupid law, no other kingdoms are like this! So please?" He asked one more time "as a birthday gift?" He added, and then Sixclaws relented.

"Fine, as a birthday present" he said with a small smile in Dune's direction, which made his the smaller Sandwing's heart throb painfully in his chest


After Sixclaws had bought their drinks they both drifted to a beach near by, no dragons were at the beach, just the two of them, surrounded by palm trees and desert sands on one side, and a wavy blue sea that winked and twinkled in the fading sunlight on the other.

They landed beside the crashing waves together, and Dune grinned at his larger friend.

"I'm excited!" Dune declared with a flick of his venomous tail, and Sixclaws nudged him gently, the sandwing smiled a bit. "Alright, well lets make a fire before anything" he said calmly, and the two quickly did so, gathering firewood together and then setting it all a blaze grandly, and then laid together in the sand.

Dune and Sixclaws both got a bottle, and Dune opened his. "Oo.." he breathed out, bringing the wine to his lips and taking a sip.

The taste was so strange, then bitter when he swallowed it down.

"Not as tasty as it was cracked up to be?" He asked with a smile, and Dune nodded a bit, his face contorted into a look of displeasure "yeah I was expecting something else honestly" he hummed, then he leaned into Sixclaw's side the way he always did, a hum escaping his lips, then he grabbed the bottle of wine and started to chug it even if it made his stomach churn, he wasn't going to be a wossy about it.

Sixclaws was surprised, and opened his up, quickly chugging his down so him and Dune would be the same level of drunk.




Dune and Sixclaws we're laughing together, and talking about stuff, and then Sixclaws had brought up their friendship, then it went to telling each other things and war strategies and stuff, then they started to laugh about crushes, then asked him a question. THE question.

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