TurtleStalker (Turtle • Darkstalker)

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This is exactly what you think it is, Darkstalker x Turtle!

this is finna get insane lmao. Also while I'm here, I'd like to mention something about Darkstalker which is the fact that Darkstalker only has the mindset of a seven year old dragonet lmao, I dunno why but I always be thinking about that and it's true.

Darkstalker is a child confirmed /j

As for all your warnings, here they are.

INCLUDES HARSH LANGUAGE. EXTREME SEXUAL CONTENT. AGE GAP (however, in this Turtle is aged up to be a bit older because we're not going there. (He's 8)) . AMONG NEFARIOUS DEEDS AND ACTS.


I was really high while I wrote this and i just finished it, so this is a note I should be putting at the end but I don't care enough to bc it can eat my balls.

Yeah, I'm high you can tell because in this one they have some crazy chatting in the epilogue. This is actually mostly sex so I hope you guys enjoy. There's this one mf I don't know who that's been commenting on a lot of these in the past few days who says Turtle is theirs, this one's for you buddy ;]

Turtle's POV.

Turtle was in a miserable stupor, his eyes half lidded as he laid curled up in his tiny pool. Kinkajou had visited him after finding the dungeon. She explained with a slightly uncomfortable expression that she realized she didn't like him after the spell wore off because she threw the rock, she had been fine though which at least Turtle was grateful for and he dug her another, non enchanted sky fire out of his bracelet when after she promptly left without looking back.

'figures' He thought to himself in his holding cell, swishing around his talon in the small pond enstated in the room for drinking, it was large enough for him to swim in; yet he didn't feel motivated enough to, he didn't even feel motivated enough to move from his spot.

That was till he heard the thundering sounds of Darkstalker's talon steps, and the water started seeming more and more acceptable to be his hiding spot.

He bolted for the water, diving in with a wincingly loud splash and swam down to the bottom, he breathed heavily as he heard loud banging.

Then there was talon prodding his back, he turned with anxiety and saw the talon was black.

He nervously poked his head out of the water, trembling slightly as he looked up into the eyes of the dark Nightwing, however, those eyes he was staring back into were more of less remorseful.

"Turtle" he tried, but the seawing flinched back with a terrified expression.

He saw the guilt flash across Darkstalkers face at his reaction and he came around a bit, leaning out of the water more and looking at Darkstalker with a afraid, yet brave expression as he decided that he was already at rock bottom. Worse Darkstalker could do was kill him and he decided to not be a terrified sea cow for his possibly last few minutes of life.

"Turtle, listen" he king said to him, sighing as he gave the room an anxious look, thinking to how he could have been trapped in these cold unforgiving walls.

"I will let you out, give you all of your magic back and you will be able to have your regular life back in Phyrria, on one condition" he explained, and then suddenly, to Turtles utter shock he shrunk down, he shrunk to be nearly about Turtles size, save a bit taller and he now resembled a young adult, a much more approachable presence for the terrified seawing putting in a brave face.

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