Quinter (3) (Qibli • Winter)

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So, this story is pretty. . .  It's pretty gay 😎. I hope y'all enjoy. (There's a wholesome end so it's all ok)

Qibli's POV.

The trip to see his grandfather to save Ostrich had gone had planned. . . Up till it was time to escape, as they all flew off suddenly a guard snagged his tail and pulled him back.  Qibli tried to struggle from the guards grasp but it was no use.

"Go without me, I'll catch up!!" He yelled at Winter, Ostrich, and his deceiving mother.

They flew off as Qibli was dragged back to the room he had been kept in, practically being thrown in at Vultures talons before every door was locked and a sudden board fell over the escape hole, blocking every way out.

Through the darkness, Qibli saw the glint of Vultures deadly eyes, the hungry glint in them terrifying him.

Though, after a moment of eyes being locked, suddenly Vulture swept away and lit a candle with a small flame.


"Qibli.." the deadliest dragon in the scorpion den breathed, taking slow steps up to his prey. . .

"Vulture, please listen." Qibli started strongly, his heart slamming around in his chest with fright. "We don't have to fight, we can come up with a reasonable solution and we can both be hap-" Qibli didn't get to finish his sentence before a pair of claws leaned in and crested his in a small, gentle touch.

The sandwing was in such shock for a second and was only snapped from it when Vulture pulled away, he couldn't help but gasp out for air after that.

"It's too late for reason, Qibli...~" purred the older dragon as he brushed his talon along Qibli's delicate neck.

The sandwing licked his lips greedily, wanting to humiliate the young dragon..

"This is your punishment.. you should have just taken the position under my wing by your own choice.." he murmured in the smaller sandwings ear.

"Never more.. I cannot make you join.."

Qibli started to try to speak again, but suddenly a loud door opened, and a guard or two pushed his Icewing companion into the room before slamming the doors again.

As Vulture went around he lit a few more candles, then pointed both of them to a small window seat with a bunch of pillows around it.

Once the two were there, Vulture grabbed a decent sized chain, about twenty feet long (remember they are dragons pls so that's a decent size) and locked their arms together.

"So instead we'll play a game.." Vulture breathed icily, continuing on from where he had left off earlier,and sensing the two dragonets terror made him grin.

"If you two want to escape, you'll head my every demand.." a wicked chuckle escaped Vultures lips.

"You two, I want you two to have sex, now." The tattoo tattered sandwing said murthfully.

Qibli looked over at Winter, seeing the icewing's beautiful, icy blue eyes looking right back at him with terror.

He looked at Vulture, then back to Winter. "What are you gonna do if we don't?" Qibli asked tentatively as Winter uncomfortably wrapped his wings around himself.

"Simple." The Sandwing who had them at his command sneered. "I'll throw you in the pit I left your mother in, and I'll be sure to add more rats."

At that, Winter let out a depressed sounding grunt. "Will you let us go once we do.." murmured the icewing.

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