Quinter (2) (Qibli • Winter)

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Winter's POV

Winter was an icewing, proper, sharp minded and all beautiful, he was part of the best tribe in Phyrria!

But how was he suppose to know that the other tribes were so beautiful too? Like.. Nightwings, or, a nightwing, with green eyes and green undertoned scales, beautiful as a stary night. Her name was Moonwatcher, she was glittering and intelligent, she had mind reading powers too and she could see into the future.

There was also sandwings, most a white with yellow undertones, plane white or yellow underbellies, and they sort of looked like scorpions because of their venomous tail barb.

Qibli, however was the sun and all of its warmth in one dragon, he was so kind to Winter, he took the time to really, deeply get to know him. He didn't rush to decisions and he felt like he was on a more personal level with Qibli than Moon, besides, when he really thought about it, he didn't want to betray his tribe THAT badly, being with a Nightwing, their sworn enemy, it was just stupid.

So he set his eyes on Qibli, however he found his pride burdening him, making him not able to tell his crush how much he wanted to be with him.

However, when he overcame his pride, everything started to look up.


Class had just gotten out, and Moonwatcher and Qibli we're walking together, talking.

Winter exited the cave and felt a bit upset at that sight, his heart giving an unpleasant thump in his chest.

He walked up to them, and huphed slightly at Qibli and Moon "hey" he said.

He watched as Moonwatcher nodded at him, not really giving him too much attention.

Qibli, though, lit up with a smile when he saw Winter "hey there, beautiful" he said, grinning at Winter.

The prince wanted to wrap his wings around Qibli and say a sweet hello back, but he couldn't bring himself to and instead put on a convincing scowl. "Tame your snout, sand snorter" Winter barked.

Moon's gaze turned, and she smiled a bit. "Oh common Winter" she said sweetly, opening her wings a bit. "Youre just grumpy" she hummed teasingly, then he sighed. "I guess so" he agreed.

His heart shot into his throat suddenly as he felt a warm wing wrap around him, and he turned to see Qibli's friendly smile again. "Don't be such a lemon, Winter" he said playfully, nudging him under his snout.

Winter pulled back from under Qibli's wing, his face a light with a dusty blush.

Qibli didn't seem notice though as he started to chuckle. "A lemon?" Winter shot, and Qibli nodded. "You're sour like one" he said, his eyes on the icewing's.

Winter growled softly at that, and turned "I have to go" he said, he didn't have his next class with Moon, but he still had it with Qibli.

It was an elective, a class where they were to grow and learn about healing herbs. Winter used the class effectively, and put his skills to good use by growing his own plants, he even had a little pot of it under a special light in the class.

Winter then flitted away from the two, but, Qibli was following him now, having said goodbye to Moonwatcher.

Qibli poked his side, and then hummed. "So why are you upset?" He asked, his eyes curious.

Winter humphed quietly, his talon taps stopping as he turned to look at Qibli.

Now Winter was faced with an option, should he pour his heart out? Tell him everything on his mind? Or just keep being cold...

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