A Walk With The Queen Part 2

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*Aemond's POV*

When Vyserra had left Aemond he had gone and put Vhagar back into the pit and headed back to the castle. He had a lot in his head that he'd rather not think about and went to train, like he  always did when he was overthinking.

He wondered what Vyserra was doing at Ladies Day and he was annoyed knowing he wouldn't see her for the rest of the day. He knew when his mother organised these days the women disappeared all day. He knew he would see her at tomorrow's ball though. He refused to think about why he was annoyed.

His men were having a betting night and he attended but left after a few games. He wasn't in the mood and was craving training again. He went back to his rooms and finally let himself reflect on the day. He was thinking about Vyserra and being so close to her on Vhagar and he couldn't ignore how hard he got. He would often get a woman of the night to attend to him, but that thought made him feel dirty now, and he sorted out his own problem and feel asleep, tired after a long day of being physical. 

In the morning he woke up as hard as a rock again, he had been dreaming of Vyserra, although he couldn't remember exactly what about. After another wank he got up to get ready to train, refusing to acknowledge why dreaming of Vyserra was doing that to him.

He had been fighting the more experienced knights all morning, he was hot and sweaty and feeling good when he heard the noise of multiple pairs of heels walking up the nearest hall and saw his mother and Vyserra walking into the courtyard. His torso had a foreign feeling in it again that he refused to believe could be butterflies. He stared right at Vyserra, only being distracted by tens of other men looking at her in the same way and a feeling of rage building up in him again. Hearing Lancel Beesbury speak to Vyserra set him over the edge, when he shouted to him, he wondered what would happen if he just killed him. He assumed his father wouldn't be too happy. But he saw the scared look on Vyserra's face and he didn't want to upset her, but he did want to embarrass Lancel in front of her. 

It was the easiest fight he had had in a long time, he was a truly pathetic swordsman compared to Aemond. Aemond was still in a rage when he looked at Vyserra again and saw her getting on the ground to see his sisters puppies. The look of pure delight on her face completely changed his mood, and soon after he had left the yard he told one of his servants to get two corgi puppies as soon as they could, so he could gift them to Vyserra.

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