Chapter 1

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Jozzer turns in his bed as he opens his eyes he suddenly hears his phone ring he picks it up and says "Hello" the voice lets out a soft sigh and replies "Hello Mr. Jozzer my name is queen Mavis and I was wondering if your free today" he chuckles "Yeah why do you want to know" Mavis smiles as she rolls her eyes "I'm setting up an appointment to get a tattoo today is my birthday and my family is out on vacation for a year" she hears him purr into the phone "Well happy birthday beautiful" he replied with a smile. The two finish up their conversation Mavis says goodbye and hangs up she lays down on her bed and lets out a small screech she quickly gets up and slides on a royal black dress she stops and thinks to herself 'What if he doesn't show up' she shakes her head and puts on her shoes and walks out the door grabbing her phone, mask and sunglasses she then slides into the limo and calmly sits on the seat she tells the driver as he looks at her "Tattoo parlor please drive fast" he nods his head and starts to drive to location the limo parks in front of the tattoo parlor Mavis opens the door and slides out of it she knocks on the building door and waits for someone to answer she closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths.

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