The Midesene War Saga-Normal: 10.3

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Michael created a portal out of the city and they were  off

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Michael created a portal out of the city and they were off.

At first, the trio were unable to figure out where to go.

They were thinking about Louis and about where Glover was but assumed that Glover had moved.

They also knew that Sorenson was roaming the streets looking for prey, too.

They weren't given much information from Louis about what he saw exactly but Michael did find important that Louis thought that Sorenson was doing butt stuff with Glover but according to Louis, both of them were aware of the Bible verse and how it was mistranslated which Michael was glad that he knew. And according to him, if the religious leftists wanted to argue that homosexuality was a corruption of heterosexuality, they should know that homosexuality and heterosexuality fall under a category-a label, if you will-which is sexual orientation.

"Sexual orientation isn't something new," he said. "It's been around for flippin' eons just as much as the categories of race, religion, and gender have been aroun' for flippin' eons. Everyone has the potential to be either gay, straight, bi, trans, and so on. It's not genetic or a mental disorder or even demonic. It's erotogenic. Sexual orientation is based on what turns you on. What excites you. It's not something ya choose and it would be unnatural to choose to be gay. Your preference comes when ya see it for yourself and feel it in yourself."

"Right," Michael acquiesced. "People assume that what makes people gay or lesbian is a mystery but it's not. And it's definitely not demonic or there wouldn't be much of them in the world. Hell is definitely real but it's more than just eternal suffering and fire and brimstone. It's the separation from God. We humans aren't living in Hell. Only the spirits of the wicked dead and everywhere they roam on Earth and below is Hell."

"Speaking of Hell, where'd the concept even come from if what existed before was Sheol and Gehenna?" Aaron asked.

"The first mention of the word was in 725 CE, several centuries after Christianity was legalized by Constantine the Great and during Yeshua's millennia-long reign," Jackey answered. "Very fitting in all honesty. It's nice to see that you know this information, Louis."

"Hey, I'm just glad God doesn't view me as a freak o' nature," Louis exhaled cheerfully.

"You're not a freak," Michael beamed. "God loves all of His creations and He wants them all to be happy and safe. At the very least, homosexuality isn't against the rules but we know rules and limitations exist for a reason; to protect us and to keep us from causing trouble. Without rules, there's chaos and disorder."

"That's true," Louis agreed. "And it's why God often brought his wrath down on people who broke His laws. But God isn't evil. I've read one scripture that states, "God forgives sin but does not let it go unpunished." We always view evil humans as monsters but they're not. Not in the literal sense, anyway. They're just men. Evil men who can bleed red and die like the rest of us. I can't say the same about the Midesenes or the Sin Gauge. I mean, I know Thomolon is a good guy, of course."

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